FSc is the abbreviation of Faculty of Science. FSc level begins after the successful completion of matric. If the
students want to get admission in FSc then it is necessary for them that they had studied science subjects in
matric. All the colleges in Pakistan offered FSc course for the students. FSc (Faculty of Science)
is further categorized in two main branches i-e FSc (Pre-Medical) and FSc (Pre-Engineering). The
students who wish to become an engineer in future choose the pre-engineering field while the students who wish to
become a doctor in future choose the pre-medical field.
11th Class Subjects
There are total eight subjects in FSc that are offered to study including English, Urdu, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Islamiat. All the subjects in FSc Pre-Medical and FSc pre-engineering are
almost same. However, there is a difference of one subject that is Math and Biology. The students who wish to get
admission in Pre-medical choose biology whereas the students who wish to get admission in
Pre-engineering choose mathematics.
Our Most Attempted Tests. FSC Physics Test, FSC Biology Test, FSC Chemistry Test, FSC Math Test.
In 11th class students study Islamiat as a compulsory subject whereas in 12th class they have to study Pak studies
as an alternate to Islamiat. The papers of all the subjects of FSc comprises of two sections objective type and
subjective type. The objective paper comprises of multiple choice questions. It is a bit difficult for the aspirants
to prepare for the objective type as they have no idea about it that what type of MCQs will come in exam. For this
reason, here on this page we have provided the online test of MCQs of all the subjects. Student can easily prepare
for their objective type paper by taking this online test. You will face no difficulty in giving this online test. You just
have to choose the subject given below of which you want to take the test.