1 |
The scientific name of rice is |
- A. Acacia fistula
- B. Oryza sativa
- C. Zea mays
- D. Triticum vulgare
2 |
Funaria is an example of. |
- A. Hepaticopside
- B. Bryopsida
- C. Anthoceropsida
- D. Psilophyta
3 |
The earliest group of vascular plant is |
- A. Psilopsida
- B. Pteropsida
- C. sphenopsida
- D. Lycopsida
4 |
Which one is an example of non vascular plants. |
- A. Rhynia
- B. Psilotum
- C. Adiantum
- D. Marchantis
5 |
bryophytes are generally thought to have evolved from |
- A. Brown algae
- B. Red algae
- C. Golden algae
- D. Green algae
6 |
The bryophytes are non vascular plants. |
- A. Flowering
- B. Flowerless plants
- C. sporophyte plants
- D. Gametophytic plants
7 |
In mosses, archegonia and antheridia mixed with sterile hairs are called. |
- A. My celium
- B. Gymnosperm
- C. Bryophytes
- D. Pteridophyte
8 |
Amphibious plants belongs to group. |
- A. Angispermae
- B. Bryophytes
- C. Lichens
- D. antoceropdida
9 |
In spermatophytes, seed is formed from. |
- A. Ovule
- B. Ovary
- C. Anther
- D. Embryosac
10 |
The male gametophyte of an angiosperm is the |
- A. Anther
- B. Embroyo sac
- C. Microspore
- D. Germinated pollen grain