1 |
Amoebas move and obtain food by means of |
- A. Plasmodium
- B. Flagella
- C. Cilia
- D. Pseduopodia
2 |
An outer flexible covering of ciliates is. |
- A. Cell wall
- B. Pellicle
- C. Sheath
- D. Cuticle
3 |
Example of apicomplexans is. |
- A. Vorticella
- B. Plasmodium
- C. Sentor
- D. Amoeba
4 |
Tests of actinopods are made up of. |
- A. Calcium
- B. Sodium
- C. Silica
- D. Potassium
5 |
Length of the brown algae range from centimeters to. |
- A. Amphitrichous
- B. Monotrichous
- C. Lophotrichous
- D. Atrichous
6 |
The sexual process is exhibited by most cities by |
- A. Binary fission
- B. Budding
- C. Conjugation
- D. Fertilizations
7 |
Actinopods with glassy shells are. |
- A. Rotifers
- B. Radiolarians
- C. Diatorms
- D. Forams
8 |
Phytophthora infesting belongs to the group. |
- A. Myxomycota
- B. oomycotes
- C. Rhodophyte
- D. Euglenoids
9 |
Trypanosoma is an example of. |
- A. Actinopods
- B. Zooflagellates
- C. Ciliates
- D. Apicomplexans
10 |
Polysiphonia is a representative of |
- A. Green algae
- B. Brown algae
- C. Red algae
- D. Diatoms