Remember one thing that we all responsible problems facing Pakistan today, but those people who have high authority, high power and influence, are more responsible. We can see that bribe is frequently paid to permit unqualified, incompetent people and firms to obtain a benefit.

Quaid-e-Azam’s advise to civil officers Peshawar, April 14, 1948: Civil servants “Service is the back bone of the state. Governments are formed. Governments are defeated. Prime Ministers come and go, but you stay on, and therefore, there is a very great responsibility placed on your shoulders41.”

In short Divergence in Pakistan originates from a configuration of factors relating to the state system, the uneven regional setting and the global system at large. The state underdeveloped provincial set-ups dysfunctional of elections for the prevalent system supposed by a privileged migrant leadership, a centralist authority structure and a domineering role of army. Political development in Pakistan has been usually distinguished by spurts of constitutional action as well as jiffy of constitutional collapse.

Quaid-e-Azam’s Presidential Address at the All India Muslim League, Lahore March 23, 1940. “Come forward as servant of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally, and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everyone.”

In short one of the main causes of the downfall of nations has been corruption and incompetent leadership. In present we can see that supper powers support the incompetent leadership for their self interest especially in third world countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Dishonesty is the origin of all harms in the nation and due to the lack of governance like in Pakistan. It is a challenge to the people to through out those corrupt leaders and political parties who pander to in corruption and nepotism. The word corruption envelops a wide range of human proceedings. The cancer of corruption has eaten into the vitals of all institutions of Pakistan. When we evaluate the history we can see that the first regimes in Pakistan have fallen because of the public’s perception about deteriorating governance and increasing corruption.

It is no overstatement to suggest that the failure of several administrations in the past. Ayub Khan succumbed to a political agitation that demanded his ouster and the restoration of democracy. After this Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was removed from power by military and largely in response to another political agitation. In 1990, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismisses the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s government on charges of corruption. Same in 1993 he sends Nawaz Sharif home for the same reason. In November 1996 for the third time in six years Presidential powers was deployed to remove a Prime Minister from office on charges of corruption. When Pervez Musharraf, took over on 12th October 1999, he promised a corruption free government. But he has appeared to let himself be guided by big business on the corruption score and allowed his local neo-conservative advisors to smash to smithereens whatever provincial harmony had existed in the country by launching two mini domestic wars, Waziristan and Baluchistan. Terrorist violence has spread to other parts of the country. On March 9, 2007 Pervez Musharraf suspended the Chief Justice of Supreme Court Ifthikhar Muhammad Chudhary. Pervez Musharraf’s regime and set up a potential battle between the judicial and executive branches of the Pakistani government.

Like the past governments now present government again follow the wrong policies and again and again take wrong steps at each level. Recruitments postings and promotions are increasingly made on the basis of personal contacts and political affiliation, instead of on merit. Today again negligence, political exploitation and bribery have rendered civil service incompetent of provided that efficient supremacy and basic public overhaul in Pakistan. Poor political setup lack of justice system, bad governance, martial law and disrespect of constitution have created corruption, unemployment, unrest and lawlessness in Pakistan.

It’s time we organize the people especially our youth organize socially, economically, politically and educationally. Let’s unite on nation survive without faith, unity and justice. May God Almighty save the nation from corrupt and self-interest politicians. Mullahs, bureaucrats and military officers bless with great wisdom and protect it from harms. Only prayers are not enough for the well being of Pakistan. Now it’s time to do practically. God has given the nation the reason to resolve their trouble and to distinguish between good and bad to choose right trail. As founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam said:

“Praise your government when it deserves criticize your government fearlessly when it deserves but do not go on all the time attacking, indulging in destructive criticism, taking delight in running down the Ministry or the Officials.”

Quaid-e-Azam’s speech at Edwardes College Peshawar 18th April 1948.

“My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systemic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation.”

In short it’s time we activate all our well educated, honest, devoted youth. Reject present corrupt system at each level and totally change present system and encourage honest, devoted, well educated youth instead corrupt present system. Today every citizen needs justice and basic facilities equally. People wants bold decisions of judiciary and army jointly with the help of people and do some for the perfection / progress and prosperous Pakistani nation. Our present government of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prinister Syed Yusaf Raza Gilani, badly suffer in corruption, nepotism, and violate the merit and rule of law. Our Parliament is unkind, corrupt, ………and have no interest for problem solving of Pakistan. Today we need honest, competent leaders/ politicians/ bureaucrats/ Army, etc. Let us we struggle jointly against corrupt setup and defeat them and change this corrupt system. Our honest competent officers/ politicians/ army/ bureaucrats/ should help in this new honest setup. Pakistan Zindabad.

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