Democracy is a name of progressive, peace, justice, not a name of power but it carries the ultimate responsibilities, and in a true democracy fake degree holders not have more power and corrupt rich than competent, honest common people. Democratic government is essentially a constitutional government, constitution describes the rights and duties, and source of institution is Quran Pak, participatory system, not a name of self interested corrupt group. In true democratic system the leadership and the holders of authority are accountable to people. As all people accountable to Allah and his driven guidance. As a famous quote, It system is like a river taking many curves, but eventually the river will reach the ocean. We should remember this that in true “Democratic System” is free from tyranny, poverty, corruption, illiteracy and injustice.

Now we turn the Quaid-e-Azam’s saying, “Democracy is in the blood of Muslims, who look upon complete equality of manhood believe in fraternity, equality and liberty.

Quaid-e-Azam said, Corruption is a cure amongst Muslims, especially the so-called educated and intelligentsia. Unfortunately, it is this class that is selfish and morally and intellectually corrupt. No doubt this disease is common, but amongst class of Muslims it is rampant.

Its time we should follow the teaching of islam and follow the saying of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ‘said about dangers of provincialism sectionalism, we are Bengalis, or Sindhis or Pathans or Punjabis, No we are Muslims. I ask you to get ride this provincialism, because as long as you allow this position to remain in the body politics of Pakistan, believe me you will never be a strong nation, and you will never be able to achieve what I wish we could achieve.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, Remember that the scrupulous maintenance and enforcement of law and order are the prerequisities of all progress. The tenets of Islam enjoin on every Muslim to give protection to his neighbours and to the minorities regardless of cast and creed.

In recent years every political party claim to see a fruits of democracy. We all know the significance of democracy. This article tries to show the face of present democratic government. Every government has get pleasure from widespread public support for its anti-corruption crusade. Corruption has been the most influential sign of deprived governance in Pakistan for a long time. Corruption charges against present government of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani voiced louder. Sectarian violence was rampant. No Pakistani felt safe and felt relieved. The public expectation more and more is that the government will not only punish corrupt people but will also put in place a mechanism to daunt the omnipresent corruption that has been the hallmark of public life. In present setup every corrupt / dishonest / characterless / crooked/ want immunity in the name of democratic system and they all save each other and wants leave a strong one, and like the past nations to punish a weak person.

The top leaders of major political parties children/ family live abroad like royal family. Their life style in London and Dubai is no less than that of any prince of an oil rich Sheikhen. No one dare ask them that of any accumulated such enormous wealth and how they could afford such large estates and a massive encourage on foreign soil where they never worked for a day. They convene party meetings in London and Dubai to discuss democracy. One wonders why these meetings are not held in their own country and held in Dubai.

It is unlikely that the present government significantly revise the domestic prices of petroleum products rapidly. Domestic prices especially of food and fuel critical in determining price inflation. Prices of food grains, wheat, pulses and edible oil have risen sharply. Food, petroleum and electricity inflation has broken all records and coupled with unemployment has led to an alarming growth in the number of people living in absolute poverty. Democratic government serves the people. They enhance their quality of life; they protect, nor kill them. Neither central government nor the provincial government inspires any hope in the common man. They come with a vengeance. The general citizens stand disheartened; it brought them neither relief nor hope for good change. Running through every side of the government’s role in development is the require to get better the performance.

Pakistan has been lucky in having a proficient force but during the past numerous years its performance has get worse. Government performances have failed to have the expected results because of administrative constraints incompetence. Corrupt officers, weedy financial management and control seriously deflation their concert and their part to development. Politically they characterized by personal group and ethnic factors also cause of instability in Pakistan. These corrupt elements / government servants responsible for the absence of a variety of development promoting institutions in the country. This pattern of government and inter-personal income distribution, the concern with the social and economic problems led to social and political unrest.

According to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah “Educational policy to build up character, integrity, honour and service to the nation. In short we have to build up the character of our future generation which means highest sense of honor, integrity, selfless service to the nation, and sense of responsibility, and we have to see that they are fully qualified or equipped to play their part in the various branches of economic life in a manner which will do honor to Pakistan.’

Like the politically the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational system are also extremely poor. Our leaders destroy the youth. Don’t play with the future of youth. Unfair, incorrect results are another gift of this democratic government to the students. Punjab government badly fails to show correct/ right policies/ results for youth. When in the name of democracy fake degree holders incapable easily gets ministry/ key placement, with out any hard ship, why and how they can make good / correct/ policies in the interest of Pakistani nation. The government needs is an integrated plan of action, which recognizing the crucial importance of improving the effectiveness and courage of programmed and policies in the social sectors, focuses attention on basic services within the education sector, and addresses both economy wide policies at the sectoral level.

Safety and security of every human life is one of the most fundamental duties of a government. Protection of lives and human rights is central to good governance.

In short,

Unke wadon se jo aa jaatee hai awam jalson mein
Who samajhte hain ke un ka har kaam achcha hai.
Who samajhte hain ke awam ka haal achcha hai.

We should remember this that political and other issues cannot be settled by the cult of the knife. These issues and differences easily resolve with fair accountability and justice. Differences between political parties are natural thing but the difference between them cannot resolve by attacks on Party leaders. The bold and courageous stand of common people may change the future course of Pakistan’s political system. But they want true platform and true leadership, who direct the Pakistani nation in positive direction.

Let us we all give a warning to the corrupt, selfish, capitalists, landlords stop exploitation of honest common man actually they have forgotten the lesson of past nations. We all should loving kindness to mankind, and promote welfare day and night to their nation. Let us struggle for equality, freedom, integrity and justice for every body.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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PUCIT Lahore

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