Pakistan was formed in 1947 and meanwhile its establishment or starting point of an organization or action, it has been surrounded by frequent issues including but not limited such as substructure, inadequate refined resources, unfertile or obsolete factories and knowhow about new technology, imposed battles at Kashmir and other facades poverty, inflation and many other undissolved issues. In spite of it being rich on raw resources thus far Pakistan is a developing country with limited development in every period due to the problems it faces.
According to an scrutiny organize and carry out by the government of Pakistan and shows that the poverty has increased approximately from 30% to 40% during the past decade. Consider that if 40% of a country’s population is earning their life below the poverty-line in which the people are deprived of basic necessities of life such as medication, food, shelter, edification and clothing are necessary to live.
Literacy is clear that those persons which is the aged of 15 or above who can “read” and “write”. According to this definition, Pakistanis officially reported to have 50% literacy rate in our country. Even for those who are called as “Literate” are only able to read and write, which in today’s skill oriented world is static considered as illiteracy.
Corruption and political instability is the major problem of Pakistan today. It is interesting to note that due to the international interfering and skill full manner the very same people that we label as corrupt just some time ago, responsibility and reproach, come back to govern us after a couple of years again and people welcome them with open arms. This is possibly also the main reason why the political process in Pakistan is not let to flourish physically.
Overpopulation, inflation and unemployment is the major problem of Pakistan country. According to accurate figures may be fine above the officially reported facts, the country has an estimated 2% growth rate which for a country of official population of 160 Million turns out to be approximately around 3.2 Million every year.
About 40% of the population is already living under poverty line and 5.6% official facts and figures of the population is without job, the ever growing population of Pakistan is just adding to the problems of the previously under pressure state.
Also with the worldwide intensifying oil prices are causing every item in the country to double and in some circumstances tripled every year.
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