In Pakistan elected government blamed over military rule and our political parties said that they can deepen the roots of democracy. Actual problem is to provide opportunities to qualified common people to participate in dictions that affect their everyday lives. It is most necessary rule of law applied equally and to ensure access to justice for all peoples. In true democratic process fair accountability top to bottom is most necessary.
Like the past political parties make people fool in the name of free and fair elections. We all know that free and fair election is necessary but another most necessary thing is participation of common highly qualified people to provide opportunities for people’s voices and for the rule of law to be applied equally and ensure justice for all peoples at each level. But when we evaluate the history and compare with present we can see that at each level violation of rule of law and lack of justice and accountability.
Judiciary has play remarkable role in defending the rights of its citizens. Unfortunately we can see in Pakistan lawyers and judges took to the streets and defending the rights. Restoration of judiciary in Pakistan and present tussle between judiciary and government on NRO. Here question arises why immunity for some politicians? Is it a name of democracy? Present government fail to implements judiciary decisions for self interest not in the interest of Pakistani nation. Is it democracy? In ugly system fake degree holders corrupt politicians and their corrupt sub-ordinates are not able to make decisions and policies for all Pakistanis. In present system in the name of democracy our corrupt leaders and officers make common peoples fool. If it is democratic system why our leaders/ politicians/officers/ bureaucrats/ etc are not make them accountable to the people. In democratic system the government, parliament and judiciary need to meet the common peoples needs in order to deepen democracy. Government should realize their responsibilities and bringing the all institutions as close as possible.
In democratic system no place of any NRO, no immunity for riches, no free with laws and regulations. In democratic system common man / public can hold their leaders accountable. Implementation rule of law for all and each level. Every one accountable. Today Pakistan and Pakistani nation bleeding, corruption and misrule are the order of the day. Present corrupt system and policies can do not good to Pakistan, these policies are harmful and destruction of Pakistan. Our political parties and all elected parliamentarians shamelessly joining hands each other and protect each other for their self-interest at the cost of Pakistani nation future. Our political leadership, senators, Parliamentarians, top officers, busy in filling its own pockets. They are blind and deaf how badly the people are suffering, and they make people fool in the name of democracy, in the name of their own parties. They are only interested in their party politics not interested to Pakistani nation. These party leaders responsible to the danger hunting Pakistan. They blamed others and keeping misrule, corruption, bad governance and confrontation with other institutions for their rule. They all are interested their party politics and executive confrontation with the judiciary and army is the example of ugly democracy. Here question arises who is responsible. Why establishment and judiciary mum when Pakistan is bleeding. Present democratic system badly fail to bring peace in Pakistan. Today people want free and fair trail no NRO, no any immunity. Today peoples need stop mounting corruption, high prices, and ensure the implementation of judiciary’s ruling. Removal of mafia’s and criminal elements is necessary. Accountability mechanism, strick check of the Parliament on executive’s is necessary.
Today in the name of democracy present empowers getting millions only for their gardens maintenance, millions for staff and household, and according to an estimate 39 million will be spend on wages of the President’s household servants, for foreign tours for prime minister Rs. 1.57 billion and for President Rs. 310 million. Is it a democratic setup in a democratic country? Such is the lavish lifestyle of our rulers at the cost of national exchequer.
Now let us turn the policies of our democratic leaders here I draw your attention that teachers who called the nation maker, the promotion on time frame policy is implemented in Sindh and Baluchistan but in Punjab teachers has to wait till completion of 25 years service. Teachers promotion only little enhancement in which Pay is made up to RS. 150 to Rs. 200. Present government of Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani government has driven up food prices, electricity prices, petrol and gas prices etc, dramatically for all Pakistanis, particulary hurting the poor middle class people the most. As we all know that it is democracy but common man know that it is ugly and bleeding democracy. Let us strength our well educated youth because we know that actual strength is ability to unite different people and to reach the goal. As founder of Pakistan said, “Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted be everybody.”
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