The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) believed that nations are destroyed for their unjust dealings. Only justice keeps peace and order in a society. When we evaluate the history every Islamic incident shows the difficulties and hurdles in right path. We can see that, people who are fearless and speak the truth face difficulties and hurdles. The incident of Karbla Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S). Nobody is above the law, every body is equal. The Holy Prophet (SAW) put a great stress on justice. Once a women of Banu Makhzoom was arrested. She had committed theft. Banu Makhzoom was a respectable tribe at that time. They wanted to save the women from punishment. They know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) would not forgive her. They decided to send Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (R.A). Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (R.A) requested the Holy Prophet (SAW) to forgive the women. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) became angry at this request. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) told Hazrat Usama (R.A) that it was the custom of some old nations to punish a weak person and leave a strong one. Moreover Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that even if Hazrat Fatima (R.A) his beloved daughter had committed the same crime, he would have punished her the same way. We should follow the Holy Prophet (SAW) good example and never think of doing any injustice with anybody.

Unfortunately since 1947 to present government like past governments behaved in a similar manner. Civilian and military leaders all equal responsible each and every one destroy the country. Despite someone who gave sensible advice and pointed out their illegal behavior. We can see that for their self interest party leaders have belatedly admitted their mistakes. These leaders and their party workers continue repeating them without shame or hesitation because they think that they are above the rule of law. It is firstly obligatory duty of the leaders/politicians/officers and then common people to promote respect rule of law and promote justice in society. They do not know what they are doing with out rule of law within the framework of the constitution of Pakistan. Justice is essential for the development and constancy of a country and nation. Justice play critical role in any society. We should follow the universal teachings of Islam. We should also abide by the laws of our country.

At present we have need of good governance, truth and justice at each level and every field of life. In this manner our educational institutions and well educated and honest leaders with the help of media and judiciary has totally changed the common public thinks. Teacher’s positive and powerful role pointing out the wrongdoings and media pointing out the illegal behavior of the rulers/ politicians/ policy makers in their own constructive way. To put it simply, Pakistan utterly lacks strong educational institutions its time to join hands with Pakistani intellectuals to mobilize the Pakistani masses. Today we can see the injustice every where. We all know that development is not possible without justice and positive and constructive education at high level. Low rate of education, injustice, harassment, and honor killing etc leads to disintegration of society through social difference.

Education enables us to live successful life. Knowledge of a source of wisdom. There is no life without knowledge and wisdom. We can see that in education system like corrupt, ill governed, and power hunger officers/teachers/ all kind and at each level damage the pious profession. Fair accountability is necessary in educational institutions. Remember one thing that all officers/ teachers are not equal some are very honest/ loyal/ with true spirit of Islamic values. Nowadays dishonest, incompetence corrupt teachers/ officers are responsible. They not only indulge in shameless behavior but also guard deceitful, immoral and illusory people.

Let us turn the education development funds and lack of transparent accountability. Without a huge investment in our schools/ colleges/ university level etc our educational sector cannot be accomplished. These most institutions schools/ colleges/ badly lack missing facilities, classrooms, and science laboratories are not established where needed. Transparently up-grading schools are also big problems. Political interference for self curiosity creates the many problems for officers and students. In Pakistan educational institutions suffer many problems such as overcrowded class rooms, poor facilities etc. Children/ students of low income fail to gain access to better education. Like other fields in educational institutions primary level to highest level but especially at primary schools level financial accounts are not maintained, that even the mandatory audit is not allowed. The result is that a new type of corruption took root in the country in the name of school development funds. It is most important for good schooling education system that the auditing system should be transparent, effective and strong. Without strong system of accountability no any government achieved fruits effectively in every field of life. These days the mainly significant responsibility for strengthening stability in Pakistan falls on the shoulders of teachers/ lecturers/ professors/ researchers/ intellectuals etc. They all can play their role constructively and create the democratic values. Injustice in education system and failure of government’s policies becoming the cause of offense and social disorder. Its time we all play their role for the superior education system and for development and brilliant Pakistan.


The Muslims should follow the noble example of the truth, honesty and tolerance of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Pakistan continuously facing the ethnic violence and gap between the rich and the poor. Its time encouraging well educated, honest and devoted youth to serve country. Without justice progressive and stable Pakistan is not possible. We should pray Merciful God, show all of us the right path and gave us victory in every field of life.

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Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Ammara Ghous

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M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

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Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

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