"The peddlers of the poison of oppression Will not prevail today nor tomorrow"

Under the guidance of Quaid-i-Azam Muslim gained ample status to construct Pakistan a country. Quaid-i-Azam’s early death prevented him from making the intended transition to democracy. Pakistan has seesawed connecting military dictatorships and elected governments. Political structure was the increasing prejudice of political dissent by the ruling party. Pakistan was founded because the Muslims of the sub-continent wanted to build up their lives in accord with the teachings and way of life of Islam.

During Pakistan’s civilian influential rule too have much to account for in the irresolute the past of Pakistani democracy. In Pakistan it is intricate to attribute liability for state of uproar. Pakistan followed a series of short lived civilian governments. Throughout the Parliamentary regime the political parties lacked definite programmed. Their own periods have been distinguished their failing. These parties botched to convey economic expansion and social and cultural modernity.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the first charismatic and animated leader to succeed in firing the people’s passions and capturing their thoughts. Leaders have chosen their successors for their loyalty rather than their independence and competence. Parties lost spiritual values and a sense of purpose. The problem with the political parties is that they do not wish to change the feudal setup in the country nor the occurrence of true democracy in the country. Parliamentary governments got a God given opportunity but unfortunately they lost it. The pre Ayub political era and democratic construction in Pakistan ( 1947-1958 ), the Ayub era ( 1958-69 ), Bhutto era ( 1971-77 ), Zia-Ul-Haq regime ( 1977-88 ), Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif period ( 1988-1999 ), Musharraf regime and coalition of democratic parties like, ML-Q ( 1999-2008 ).The end results is that today in Pakistan Peoples Party PPP, does not have democratic institutions with true spirit and a feasible constitution framework in a precise trend. It is urgent to note that since 1988 to present why democratic system was neither flowered nor taken deep roots. The crux of the crises does not lie in the entity of any leader and party. Self-interested political parties with comprehensive power spoil the democratic system. The jubilation was short lived when as a substitute all they got was astonishing maladministration corruption and exploitation of supremacy for which both governments had to be dismissed. It is vital to note both parties collected around himself the most disreputable lotas, corrupted, self interested politicians. The clash between the judiciary and the government mainly judiciary is in no temper to shun NRO; they want reopened the closed cases. President Zardari’s pursue desire that there is no need to reopen cases against him.

Let us take the judiciary crises, in Pakistan’s history why the judiciary is not fearlessly upholding the rule of law and supremacy of the constitution. Ignorance on dismissal of independent judges as a result coalition government is more isolated and insecure than ever before both domestically and internationally. It is crucial to note the matter of the deal and corruption at every level is a big snag in the way of democratic practice. Under the political scenario existing in the Pakistan, the court has a noteworthy part to play in not only the revival of democracy but also the safety of the process of democratization.

Let us take the leadership crises; it is imperative to note that without a competent leadership democratic process not shield. Leaders shape a nation. Qualities of a good leader is 1-true and pious leader, 2- honest and God fearing, 3-bold and strong, 4-good researcher, 5- good decision maker, 6- broad vision, 7- truth and loyalty, 8- justice and equality, 9- broadmindedness and compassion, 10- progressive and reformer, 11-punctual, 12- good practice, 13- moral values, 14- well educated, 15- acumen, 16- forward and straight, the above list forms a series of tests, for every Pakistani leader and politicians. The most corrupt politicians elected by the people and not selected by the military, because of our wrong and unequal system in every field of life. These politicians are incompetence; they gain personal interest over national interest. It is indispensable to note when we analysis history and the parliament period we can see the privileged act they can only hoard the country and they only knows what is right for you and country.

Who is responsible terrorist and as well as evidenced by the suicide bombings has increase to other parts of the country and added to political uncertainty in Pakistan. These leaders deem that they are superior to institutions. The lack of clarity and confusion which is deliberately being created by the coalition government and its supporters. In our poignant history lot who have squandered away our brawl in heritance and appearance liberty. Now accession to a democratic indulgence is the most crucial intent before any populace at any occasion.

Now coalition government and the President and Prime Minister should look ahead for a positive political change in Pakistan as people of Pakistan also want to see a change at the top slot in the country. The promises made by the government with the people remained unresolved. It is plain truth that civil institutions remain in disarray and politicians pursue power only for personal gain. It is saving to say that they did not much care for democracy. These overturns made ostensibly in the national interest, and damage the process of democracy. Both parties future course of action remain unclear. More important in the final the young generation of Pakistan is well educated, broad vision and enlightened adequate to split the chaff from the gain.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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