In this letter I put in the picture that why unity, faith, discipline, the foundations of my Pakistan. We are Muslims and live in an Islamic country, which is got in the name of Islam. Firstly Islam teaches us the lesson of unity, faith and discipline. Every Muslim daily says prayers five times a day teach one punctuality and the one month of fasting enables one to exercise self-control over oneself and without doubt punctuality and self-discipline are two of the most important attributes of a good man and a great man.
Prayers in Islam are offered in congregation, which inculcates social discipline among the Muslims. In Islamic month Zil-Haj Muslims perform Hajj. It is also a golden example of unity, faith and discipline. Day and night comes at fix time, seasons comes and go at fix time. Sun rises in the East and sets in the West at fix time. Remember that Unity, faith and discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Islam is not theoretical, it is a practical. Islam is not a departmental affair; it means complete submission to the will of God. Quran Pak said:
"God does not change the condition of a people unless they first change that which is in their hearts." (Al-Quran, XIII: 12)
The Holy Prophet, of ever blessed memory, said:
"Allah hath not created anything better than reason, the benefits which Allah gives are on its account and understanding is begotten of it."
On another occasion he said:
"Verily I tell you a man may have performed prayers, fasts, charity, pilgrimage and all other good works, but he will not be rewarded but by the manner in which he hath used and applied his reason."
In short, Both rich and poor are identical in terms of their autonomous sturdily, that they will not be left neglected without being punished, because the most absolute supporter is the greatest in moral fiber like, Taqwa, piety, and righteousness. Nmaaz, Rooza and Hajj are examples of moral fiber and teach us unity, faith and discipline. It is true that unity, faith and discipline are the foundation of my dear Pakistan.
Let us interconnect the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan. In this letter I tells you why I idealize Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a great leader? Why I believe that Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's slogan unity, faith and discipline is the foundation of my dear Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was an honest, competent, loyal, devoted, and bold leader in the history of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam’s life tells us that with faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
I realize that nobody perfect and everyone make mistakes. Let us turn the global village and see that all great changes in Pakistan and in other countries in past are always connected with great, honest, dedicated leaders. Pakistan had been the pioneer of democracy. Pakistan a unique country based on justice, equality, consultation and accountability. Today we can see totally lack of principles of Islamic social justice, lack of accountability, constructive education which is the light of knowledge. Quaid-e-Azam said if you adopted it I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everyone. Actual needs to be political will honesty, trust, unity, discipline and faith.
Let us turn the saying of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Broadcast Message February, 1948:
"Work honestly and sincerely and be faithful and loyal to the Pakistan Government. I can assure you that there is nothing greater in this world than your own conscience and when you appear before God, you can say that you performed your duty with the highest sense of integrity, honesty and with loyalty and faithfulness."
Everyone knows and agrees with unity, faith and discipline as the famous dictum of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. But there is a basic flaw in this argument. Today our society like a slave society, in which the masters owned the slaves and treated them just like any other ordinary properties rather than people. Similar to this culture present leader’s indulgence the peoples like slave and common peoples have no right at all and our brutal leaders have the obligation to provide them the necessities for subsistence. These necessities for substance came from no rather than the wealth created by the common man themselves.
Military generals and democratic politicians who have ruled the nation for about 60 years of its history both blamed each other. Poor performance of the present elected leaders and politicians who have had the opportunity to govern and failed to solve most of its major problems. All political parties and other top officers preaching this Quaid-e-Azam’s slogan of unity, faith and discipline to the Pakistani people. Can a thief, dishonest, corrupt ever inspire one to be honest? Ever wonder why is there so much corruption in our beloved country Pakistan at each level in spite of this famous slogan? All parties have ongoing the long awaited blame game like corruption, load shedding, price hike, drone attacks, etc. Its time gets rid of hidden hands and to show the ugly face of real foe of Pakistan.
Today the Pakistan represent in these words look like an outlying dream and the astonishing beginning our country was given has been stained by the discrimination and the hatred we harbor against those that are different from us. Pakistan was not originated on these principals. Our nation was founded with a motto sum up in only three words the solution to Pakistan’s various problems. Only a unite nation can live with tolerance of different faiths and the discipline to coexist pleasantly with one another. Let us make a promise to remember this motto, not only for an exact day or in times when the nation is forced together but in the way a motto is meant to be bear in mind as a rule for at the present and forever.
Accountability from top to bottom and according to authority is essential. It is clear that our leaders should learn lesson from past and learn from other global present examples, how peoples throw out the dreadful supremacy. That good quality leadership is connected to good governance, and foundations of good governance are honesty, equity, justice, accountability, freedom of speech, unity, faith and discipline etc. So government, including politicians, judges, bureaucrats and all officers should ensure honesty, equity, justice, unity, faith and discipline at each level and every field of life. It is essential to reminder that man/ leaders/ politicians/ officers/ bureaucrat/ judges/ etc. as they hold a special status and use the name of Quaid-e-Azam and his slogan of unity, faith and discipline for personal interest they are especially answerable.
Let us unite and without any hesitation we should follow the teachings of Islam and the sayings of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Work, work, and work and we are bound to succeed and never forget our moto, unity, faith and discipline. My enormous excellent wishes to Pakistan that Pakistani nation should go behind unity, faith and discipline.
Pakistan Zindaabad.
Long lives Pakistan.
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