Today we need righteous, dutiful great personalities at each level and in every field of life. Great personalities like Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Chudhary Rahmat Ali, Tariq Bin Ziad, Sir Syeed Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Bin Qasim and Shaheed Rashid Minhas etc. Quaid-e-Azam said Pakistan is proud of her youth particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. Today we can see that our youth is supplementary lively and knowledgeable actual problem is our incompetent, fraudulent, deceitful and fake degree holders at each level who damage the democratic system. In Pakistan the majority of the time equally democratic and undemocratic rulers welcomed the political elite, besides various socio political and economic factors. Like the other institutions educational institutions suffered due to weak democratic traditions and inattention of rulers and landowners etc. Because no institution exists in isolation from socio economic and political conditions.
Here question arises who is responsible, firstly our government our president/ prime minister/ party leaders/chief ministers/ Governors/ policy makers/Bureaucracy responsible. Other side of the picture firstly parents and secondly teachers necessitate taking time to construct character in youth. Here remember one thing that all teachers/professors/scholars/bureaucrats/politicians are not equal. Corrupt teachers/Mullah’s/professor/scholars/politicians/bureaucrats are not only bad individual but also the harbinger of a corrupt and incompetent generation. Nations with corrupt teacher/professor/scholar/ politicians/bureaucrats/ are a nation at risk. Today we can see the extremism and terrorism and suicide bomb attacks become a common tactic of terrorist group in Pakistan. These self-seeking parties take advantage of the authority and power of these students providing by weapons to them and using them for their personal vested benefit. When we see the other positive and bright side of this picture we can see that the teacher/professor/scholar rightly called a nation builder. Without Teachers/professors/scholars both knowledge and moral values would suffer. Teachers/professors/scholars etc are the most central elements and critical link in the chain of education development. Good teacher/professor/scholar etc must possess leadership qualities. Positive and constructive knowledge is the key of success and the base of a country and its peoples. Today we lost our true teachings true and right ethical values. After the parents the role of good teachers/professors/scholars etc becomes most important because they can easily mould their students in the right way. Who mould youth’s character, personality, and guide their final goal. They direct them from beginning to end the most efficient ways which shape their characters. Scholars/technocrats are the element of the world and they form the country. There teachings are the corner stone of world constancy and tranquility. We all want them to be proficient to judge what is right, and what is wrong, and care intensely about what is true and than do what they consider to be correct. Positive and constructive education is the first stair towards the betterment of a country. True knowledge spread justice, truth, integrity, freedom and dignity etc. Today it’s our duty that we all tell the youth clear division between good and bad. But one thing remembers without fair and equally accountability and without justice it’s impossible. When we evaluate the history we can see that “Leadership is the name of wise use of power positively and at right time.” When we compare present government and present leadership we can see the lake of responsibility, meaningless works at each level and in every field of life, no positive reflect and no any affirmative direction, no activist and constructive vision, deprived policies and uncertainty, lack of interest, and lake of trust. Our most parliamentarians/ provincial assembly members/ national assembly members etc are fake degree holders and most are criminals in different causes.
Allama Iqbal said:
O, fikar kar bandy
Mussibat aany wali hain
Teri barbadiyon kay
Mashwary hain
Aasmanon mein
Na samjhoge to mitt jaogy
Tumhary dastan tak na
Hogi daastanon mein.
Here is a great lesson that if we do not recognize these signals and take corrective steps the stories of our corrupt, dishonest, and liar leaders/peoples will not exist in the stories of mankind.” Pakistan and its peoples could not survive because of selfish, corrupt and unpatriotic leaders at each level. This corrupt and dishonest peoples/officers/leaders/has broke the powerful light of nationhood. They should be exhausting fairly if we want any positive change in Pakistan. These fake degree holders destabilize the education and political system and damage the democratic process. Our dishonest and power seeker leaders are not devotedly work on education and political system and the betterment of democratic system. When we evaluate these democratic and undemocratic governments we can see that exploitation of rule of law is common thing at each level. Without fair accountability and without wide people’s awareness we can not succeeded.
Today its time that our more knowledgeable and righteous youth should stand guard over the social justice with faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty. When we evaluate the political parties we can see that these parties are not playing their positive and constructive role and party leaders are not well educated, and competent. They encourage and support fake degree holders’ incompetent and corrupt parlimentarians/national and provincial members. Only competent, honest, pious, and fresh mind youth save the political system of Pakistan. In short: Its time we all stand united and hope is never to be lost. Today we need youth/common peoples/ leadership at each level and in every field of life who sacrificed their today for our tomorrow. Today its need that we all collectively fight against bad, corrupt, dishonest, adversary forces. Inshaallah with the help of sincere/ honest/pious/loyal/forces collectively, we make our dear Pakistan one of the greatest nations of the world.
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