Title of the Book Review
Contending Theories of International Relations
James E. Dougherty and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr.
2nd Edition Harper &Row, Publishers, New York, 1981.
Book Review,
In this volume writer represents a comprehensive and unique survey of international relations in which the principal theories (classical, contemporary, traditional and behavioral) are summarized and in which the others attempt to provide critiques of the various theories as well as to suggest points of intersection whenever possible. The discussion will be in 13th chapters.
In chapter 1st,"Theoretical Approaches to International Relations" the author analysis the essential function of international theory. The writer describe that theory enable us to improve our knowledge concerning international reality and pure understanding. The writer told us that theory helps us to order our existing knowledge and how to discover new knowledge more efficiently. Chapter first consists PP.01-53.
In portion 2nd, "Environmental Theories" the writer proposes a new prospective on the technology population, growth and environmental issues. The writer has suggested that modern science and technology have transfermed and the environment is intended but also in unintended way. The writer says that the issues of pollution, population growth and the food supply have led to efforts both to forecast trends and to develop models often neo-Malthusian in nature. Chapter second consists on PP.54-83.
In part 3rd, "Power and Realistic Theory" the author explain the national interest, concepts, and the object of criticism. In this chapter the writer have been criticized for their efforts to draw from the past a series of political concepts for the analysis of the contemporary international system. Chapter three consists on PP.84-183.
In section 4th 'Systemic Theories of Politics and International Relations" the writer describes that systems theory does not provide a framework for achieving predictability. By combining the ideas of a deductive science with the desire to achieve predictability. The writer describes the problems of definition, scope, and method which divided proponents of system theory resemble those which beset the study of international relations and political science. Section four details on PP.134-180.
In part 5th "The Older Theories of Conflict" in this chapter writer describes the different kinds of conflict like Micro and Macro theories of conflict. Interpersonal conflict and international conflict, including conflicts of social integration, varieties of conflict etc. The writer said that the nuclear power exists in a fundamental fact of contemporary political reality, which cannot be conjured away by pious rhetoric or wishful thinking. Lastly the writer put distance between himself and most just war theorists. When the propounds the view that all nuclear war is immoral. Chapter five specify on PP.181-206.
Section 6th is fretful with "Economic Theories of Imperialism and War" this chapter concerned with the Marxist Theory, imperialism and war. The writer considered that free trade to be a guarantor of peace. The writer describes the economic theories, imperialism, and war is the assumption in the third world, and the efforts to develop issues of economic gain rather than political power. Chapter six in detail on PP. 213-245.
In chapter 7th "Microcosmic Theories of Vielent Conflict" in which writer discussed different theories, biological, instinctual, frustration, aggression, social learning and other theories of aggression have been modified over time and the general direction of these modifications in an era of interdisciplinary research and theoretical integration have been toward convergence. Chapter seven feature on PP. 251-290.
Chapter 8th "Macrocosmic Theories of Violent Conflict Revolution and War". The writer tells us that all theories, which look to the entire elimination of war from human affairs, presuppose profound changes in the behavior of large collectivities. The writer describes that several analysts would argue that it is governments, not the people and not other institutions and groups, that take the crucial decisions for war and peace. Chapter eight consists PP. 301-355.
In chapter 9th "Macrocosmic Theories of Conflict Nuclear Deterrence and Arms Control". The writer describes the concepts of stable mutual deterrence, which is the nuclear age version of the much older balance of power theory of which it is the direct descendant will continue, like to venerable ancestors to survive several premature interments. Chapter nine consists PP. 368-407.
Chapter 10th "Theories of International Integration, Regionalism and Alliance Cohesion". The writer tells us in to the normative elements, that there is need for integration to be broken down in to economic, political, and legal components which is turn might be divided in to subtypes each of which could be measured. Chapter ten consists on PP. 417-459.
In chapter 11th "Decision Making Theories" the writer describes that the decision making theories is concerned with the decision making process, functions of many different factors relating to the behavior of individuals and of large organizational structures. Chapter eleven consists PP.468-504.
In chapter 12th "Game Theory Bargaining and Gaining" The writer said that many teachers of international relations regard simulation experiments as potentially useful heuristic devices, provided that suitable facilities are available and the students are properly motivated to learn from them. But games are time consuming and they require very careful planning and administration. Chapter twelve consists PP. 511-537.
In last chapter 13th "International Studies: Beyond the 1970-543." The writer returns to the central issue of international relations, has from the extreme preoccupation with the normative theory of 1920s to the empirical analytic theory of the 1960s. The writer said a new generation of scholars seeks to achieve theories of international relations relevant to the manifolds problems facing international society. While at the same time attempting to find broadly based explanations and to develop a predictive capacity. Thus the search for theories adequate to the needs of an ever-changing international system continues. This chapter thirteen consists PP. 453-569.
This book contending theories of international relations will be helpful in international relations theories. In this book the writer describes the different approaches ideologies, basic concepts, and different, actors, levels of analysis, academic disciplines describes in details. All these things are related and very helpful in international theory.
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