History is full of most truthful, honest leadership, and other side we can see the most corrupt and brutal leaders. The main causes of the downfall of nations have been corruption and incompetent leadership. We can see that supper powers support the incompetent leadership only for their self interest. When we evaluate the history and comprising with Pakistan Strong and powerful have always exploited the weak in a crude and inhuman manner. While the deprived intoxicated by heavy doses of philosophies recommending to recognize their ordained fate have kept quite and suffered. Corruption imperfectly affected the value of governance. It is of different types. Political corruption, related to the politicians and luxurious corruption is connected with the high rank bureaucracy.

When Pakistan came into being on14 August 1947, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has strongly condemned the presence of corruption. Islam explicitly condemns the existence of corruption in every form. The root causes of the rampant corruption in the country are lack of responsibility, lack of effective accountability, poor performance, unchecked and limitless power all play a very important role to produce the deteriorate law and order. Since the inception of Pakistan, many governments called the champions of democracy has become the victim of the widespread corruption, and continues corrupt practices badly damage the process of democracy. Poor and common peoples of Pakistan badly effected at each level and every field of life. Violation of merit at each level is common thing, postings and promotions are increasingly made on the basis of personal contacts and political affiliations powerfully.

When we evaluate the past we can see the same problems. First Martial Law imposed in 1958. Ayub Khan introduced the first Land Reforms in 1959 restricting maximum land holding to 500 acres irrigated and 1000 un-irrigated. This made people realize that Ayub Khan was more interested in their well being and Army rule comfortably till 1971 and did not allow democratic institutions to get hold.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto started his offer for power on the promise of Roti, Kapra aur Makan. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto also raised voice against the imbalance and made promised to distribute wealth from rich to poor.

Zial-ul-Haq also made promise that he provides justice to the common people and he also forgotten the land reforms, and during this period rich people become richer and paid little tax. He imposed his policies in the name of islamization to get support from religious discipline.

Common man again kept his eyes focused on democratic rule of Benazir Bhutto and rule of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Both came to power twice but could not do much for the common peoples. The government of Benazir Bhutto and rule of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif who consecutively came to power obviously attempted to ponder all powers in their hands creating a sense of estrangement in the smaller provinces and hopelessness among the people. Most of our civil governments have been dismissed on corruption charges. President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dissolve the democratic governments on the charges of corruption. President Farooq Ahmad Leghari dismissed the Benazir Bhutto.s government on corruption charges. Presedent Pervez Musharraf took over on 12 October 1999, and he promised a corruption free government and one that would bring harmony among the federating units.

After the assassination again democratic set up came into being after February 2008 elections. Now Presedent Asif Ali Zardari government not knows what to do. Again rich peoples become richer, again rich peoples paid little tax. MQM like the past made promise and prepare a bill of Land Reforms but only self interest not fairly interested for common people. Common people wait for some relief, but present government is not in a position give any relief. According the Transparency International Report showed that Pakistan Peoples Party and led coalition governments more corrupt that the previous military regime. Today we need improve governance, including a frontal attack on corruption.

When we evaluate the education system in Pakistan we can know the history of false starts. Only constructive and positive education develops the root of any nation. Education plays a vital role in development of a nation. During the Ayub Khan Rule educational development was handed over to the educational organization. Outstanding to such steps the worth of educational planning. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave its educational policy. It made the education free and compulsory up to class 10th. After this Zia-ul-Haq promoted the madrassahs, and number of madrassah rapidly promoted in Pakistan. Mosque schools were opened. Muhammad Mawaz Sharif also wok on education policy. During Prevez Musharraf regime in Punjab chief minister of Punjab Pervez Elahi like the Zulfikar Ali Bhutto made the education free and compulsory again. First time in the history of Pakistan research work at highest level started in universities and globally showed interest in research work in different fields. Here question arise what is the vision and hearty effort of our past leaders on education.

We all know that

Seeking knowledge is compulsory for each and every Muslim both male and female

Only education can prepare our generation/ youth/ according to their golden norms and values.

Because only education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that in the united Pakistan there has to be one education system for all the children of Pakistan.

Here it is important to note that our governments past and present neglect the Islamic saying and Quaid-e-Azam's saying and ignore the true values. Like the other fields corruption in education has created disappointed and restlessness among the people. Present we again see the same problems and promise like fair accountability, equality before law, and end of corruption etc. Here it is important to note who stop the corruption? Are Fake degree holders stopping the corruption; corrupt leaders and officers stop the corruption and provide the justice and fair accountability. No it is impossible corrupt, unfair leader and officers only prevent the corruption and injustice, and create many evils in our society and damage the democratic process. Only competent, honest, loyal, forward looking, cooperative and courageous leaders / officers/ researchers/ ministers/bureaucrats/ Army officers and judiciary etc create the pleased atmosphere and gravely to do some relief for common people and crushed the corruption. Remember one thing that we all responsible, but those people who have high authority are more responsible


  1. The government should establish the rule of law equally.
  2. Effectual and impartial accountability at each level.
  3. Equal opportunities for common citizen. Equal application, equal protection and equal before law.
  4. Create awareness among people through effective education.
  5. Incompetent and corrupt leaders and officers at each level and every field of life damage the economic, political and educational institutions.
  6. The leaders are not capable, weaker moral training, made huge amount of money and shifted other countries banks only their self interest.
  7. For the true democracy, educated, honest, loyal, brave, common man should invited to join the government/politics/different sector in this way we create the accurate democratic system and without problems get ride the many evils like, extremism, injustice, rule of law and corruption etc.

In sum this is not easy walk out corrupt leaders/officers/bureaucrats/judges/politicians etc. If they don't learn from history and recently like Egypt peoples, remember our brave, honest, competent, loyal youth/common man will not leave until enforced to step down the corrupt/ dishonest leaders like Egypt peoples.

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Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

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Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

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