Quaid-e-Azam said that our youth must concentrate on gaining knowledge and education. It is your foremost responsibility. Political awareness of the era is also part of your education. You must be aware of international events and environment. Education is a matter of life and death for our country. We all identify that Pakistan cannot attain progress without intriguing any significant steps for thud educational development. Education provides a tool for development to nation. Education is the backbone of the nation. Pakistan also thriving for enhancement in this area. Seeing as the inception of Pakistan education is the mainly derelict region and the situation did not get better regardless of taken measure to educate people. Even there is a huge inhabitant who did not obtain necessary education.

Following can be the key causes of low literacy rate in Pakistan.

  1. Poverty is the prime disadvantage and barrier in the development of Pakistan. The relationship between level of education and poverty is clear.
  2. Low allocation of funds is also a gigantic barrier.
  3. In several rural areas where the local tribal chief’s statement is law, schools will not function without his say so.
  4. The situation of government schools all over the nation and the quality of teaching being convey there are going from bad to inferior, day by day.
  5. Large numbers of ghost teachers have been drawing salaries from the education department. It is important to note all those teachers are ghost who have bad reputation, corrupt, dishonest and selfish.
  6. Lack of awareness of importance of education.
  7. Distance of school.
  8. Large family size.
  9. Show off attitude not implementation accurately and truthfully.
  10. Low literacy rate particularly among woman.
  11. Multiplicity of educational system.
  12. Inappropriateness of curricula.

Education is considered to have a sturdy correlation with social and economic development. Unjust system in education system at primary to highest level is constitutionally and morally wrong. It gives benefit to people on the basis of their self-interest not on merit. Pakistan is under the risk of many problems relating education system. The role of education becomes all the more vital in the development of human assets. Let’s for once put things straight and let competent people, educated people come forward on Merit and let them serve Pakistan for once and see the difference it makes.

Here I suggest that

  1. Equal system of education. (English medium) for all top to lower.
  2. Provide all facilities in all schools.
  3. The main out-of-school reason for leaving primary school is financial. Poverty to be the main reason forcing students out of school.
  4. Student’s financial support at primary level is mainly vital.
  5. Fair accountability is necessary.
  6. Social injustices are main cause.
  7. Support on school attendance.
  8. Action against parents. Its parent’s duty to make sure attendance.
  9. Improve the quality of the schools.
  10. Trained teachers to use new methods that help them raise high academic success.
  11. Teachers should love their pupils and guard them against harm.
  12. The relationship between teacher and student should be based on mutual respect and love.
  13. Teachers have to be models to be followed. They should not do injustice to their students.
  14. To get students accustomed to respect their teachers. The teacher is the way leading to success.
  15. Respect is necessary in all relationships. Respect played important role in survival.
  16. Preferred highly qualified teachers and give incentive and attractive pay scales according to college teachers and our administrative officers.
  17. Appoint someone credible, academic, intellectual as head of Education Minister.

Lastly if we want achievement it is essential that our leaders send their children in government schools. When their children will face the problems and troubles our leaders honestly carry out good steps for our students. Its teacher’s duty that they tell the students right path, and create the true spirit of nationhood. Allama Iqbal’s poem for children describes as.

  • My hopes and wishes come upon
  • My lips from inside my heart
  • Oh Allah, My life should be
  • Like a lamp, never to go dark.

We must appreciate that youth are the earth’s most costly resource. In Pakistan education rate is very low. One side government doesn’t want to provide education’s facility to people. Other side our teachers at each level school and colleges don’t want to fulfill their duties honestly. We all responsible we should take action and do work for the betterment of education system. If government and our ministers are honest and sincere they should declare emergency of education. Electronic media should be used for more extensively for educational purpose. Encourage decision making based on educational not political. If competent, honest principals play their role in decision making over issues like curriculum and teachers appointment and we can attain their goals. Its time we awakened the feeling of nationhood among the youth. It is necessary youth respected the research scholar’s point of view and specially follow the Quaid-e-Azam’s and Allama Iqbal’s messages for youth.

We should awaken the youth through his pen and speech. Pluralism, tolerance, acceptance and respect for others can lead to international peace and stability. Our youth who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must entirely outfit themselves by discipline and education. For youth at the higher levels of education, there is no mechanism worth its name to help a student in gauging his potential. It is important to note that major fraud in democratic system is asymmetrical system in our schools and colleges. It is against the spirit of democracy.

Primary education is foundations for this introduces high quality selection procedure for primary to higher level teachers and offers the candidates better incentives. No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its students, youth along with us at each level and every field of life. Everyone plays a role in a society from poorest to richest. They all citizens of a country. They should bear the responsibility for the nation as a nation builder. Firstly its family duty then teachers responsible tells the youth that the good life the teaching of God and right path will always guide us. Today we all need hope courage and confidence. It’s our duty mobilize our youth in a systematic and organized way. We should create the true notion of equality of manhood and social justice. Only fairness and justice can save our youth and confined the pleasure and success of mankind.

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