Latest Update
Updated February 2024
The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the newest paper scheme for Class 12th. Accessible on this ilmkidunya page, students can conveniently find the 12th Class Paper Scheme 2024 for Psychology. Those interested can effortlessly view and download the scheme directly from this webpage to aid their preparations.
Are you looking for the latest 2nd year Psychology Pairing Scheme 2024? If yes then you have come to the right website because on this webpage you can find the latest Psychology Assessment Scheme 2024. Scroll down to find it or you can even download it right away. Moreover, you can find 12th class paper schemes of other courses on this website. Take advantage of our student resources provided on our website. We provide online tests, past papers, video lectures, date sheets, and so much more. Explore our website today and benefit from our world class resources.
Course Information
In this course, students learn about the mind and different disorders that humans suffer with in life. You learn about key definitions in psychology, disorders e.g. Anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Eating disorder, health psychology, social psychology, and so much more. The enlisted topics are a broad category and with other subtopics that students have to learn about as part of their syllabus. This well-rounded course teaches students about psychological health and ill health.
Study with Paper Schemes
When students sit down to study, they usually use three resources notes, books, and past papers. However, in order to succeed truly in annual examinations students also need to incorporate the latest 12th Class Psychology Paper Scheme 2024. An Assessment Scheme is an essential component; this is because it enlists all the topics and subtopics that need to be studied for exams. It helps students to understand and remember which topics they need to prepare. In addition to this, students can use the paper scheme as checklist for topics they have to prepare and those that they have already studied.
Important note about paper scheme is that paper scheme for all education boards that come under Punjab Board is the same. For example, 12th Class D.G. Khan Board Psychology Paper Scheme 2024 is the same as 12th Class Lahore Board Psychology Assessment Scheme.
All Punjab Board Subject Wise 2nd Year Pairing Scheme 2025
Pakistan Studies
Business Statistics
Child Development and Family Living
Home Economics
Islamic Studies
Islamyat Elective
Principle of Accounting
Urdu Elective
Commercial Geography
Fine Arts
Food And Nutrition
Health and Physical Education
History of Islam
History of Modern World
History of Muslim India
History of Undlas
Islamic History Culture
Library Science
Military Science
Pakistani Culture
World Regional Geography
Applied Art
History of Pakistan
- Tarjuma Tul Quran
12th Class Pairing Scheme of All Other Boards