Latest Update
Updated February 2024
The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the newest paper scheme for Class 12th. Accessible on this ilmkidunya page, students can conveniently find the 12th Class Paper Scheme 2024 for Nursing. Those interested can effortlessly view and download the scheme directly from this webpage to aid their preparations.
Are you on a quest to find the 12th Class Nursing Paper Scheme 2024? If your answer is yes then you have come to the right place because we have what you are looking for on this webpage. You can find the assessment scheme attached below on this page. Scroll down to find it. If you are looking for paper schemes of other courses then explore our website because we have numerous pairing schemes on our website.
In Nursing, students learn about various topics that relate to taking care of patients and learning to treat minor medical injuries. Nurses are an important part of the health care system and this course brings awareness among students about the importance of nurses. In this course, you will learn about topics like anatomy and physiology, dietetics, health of mother and child, and so much more. The paper scheme outlines in detail all the topics the students have to cover.
Prepare with Paper Schemes
When you sit to study, you usually carry with you your books, pencils, notes, and past papers. However, in this mixture one ingredient is missing that is 12th Class Nursing Paper Scheme 2024. When you a start learning for or preparing for final examinations it is important that you refer to the assessment scheme. The reason behind this is that it provides you with a consolidated list of all the topics that should be covered by all students because the questions will be asked from the pairing scheme. Moreover, just by glancing over the assessment scheme, you will know the topics you need to prepare and the topics you have good grasp on. This will help you focus on the topics and motivate you to study for them. It should be noted that no question would be out of the given syllabus.
In addition to this, it is important to note that paper schemes across all Punjab Boards are same. Therefore, D.G. Board, Rawalpindi Board, Sahiwal Board, or any board that comes under Punjab Board uses the same paper schemes. Ilmkiduniya is your one-stop solution to everything education related. Explore our website to find more educational resources for students.
All Punjab Board Subject Wise 2nd Year Pairing Scheme 2025
Pakistan Studies
Business Statistics
Child Development and Family Living
Home Economics
Islamic Studies
Islamyat Elective
Principle of Accounting
Urdu Elective
Commercial Geography
Fine Arts
Food And Nutrition
Health and Physical Education
History of Islam
History of Modern World
History of Muslim India
History of Undlas
Islamic History Culture
Library Science
Military Science
Pakistani Culture
World Regional Geography
Applied Art
History of Pakistan
- Tarjuma Tul Quran
12th Class Pairing Scheme of All Other Boards