There are many universities in Pakistan offering four-year bachelor’s degrees in English language and literature. The BS English Subjects in Pakistan is designed to be diverse and flexible that is capable of meeting the needs of the respective jobs and interests of the students. The study is also aimed at improving pedagogical skills in students to dig deeper into the field and choose teaching as their profession. The course is designed to be taught by highly qualified and skilled staff that can instill a passion for reading and writing in students.
Table of Content of BS English Course Outline
Course Outline: BS English University of Central Punjab
Department of English at the university of central Punjab offers a well-design four-year degree program aimed at covering the depths of the English language and literature. Following is a description of the subjects offered in BS English at UCP and its course outline.
BS English Subjects First Semester
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Study Skills | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Anthropology | 3 |
3 | Pakistan Studies | 3 |
4 | English-I: Reading and Writing Skills | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Literary Studies | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Language Studies | 3 |
BS English 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Islamic Studies | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
4 | English-II: Advanced English Writing | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology | 3 |
6 | Lit Forms and Movements | 3 |
BS English 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to Mass Communications | 3 |
2 | Global Poetry | 3 |
3 | English-III: Communication Skills | 3 |
4 | Short Story | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Morphology | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Information & Computer Technology (ICT) Skills | 3 |
BS English 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
2 | English-IV: Academic Reading & Writing | 3 |
3 | Classical and Renaissance Drama | 3 |
4 | Classical Poetry | 3 |
5 | Semantics | 3 |
6 | Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th Century) | 3 |
BS English 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
2 | Foreign Language | 3 |
3 | Romantic and Victorian Poetry | 3 |
4 | Foundations of Literary Theory and Criticism | 3 |
5 | Sociolinguistics | 3 |
6 | Forensic Linguistics | 3 |
BS English 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Modern Poetry | 3 |
2 | Modern Drama | 3 |
3 | Modern Novel | 3 |
4 | Grammar & Syntax | 3 |
5 | Discourse Studies | 3 |
6 | Creative Nonfiction | 3 |
BS English 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Research Methods & Term Paper Writing | 3 |
2 | Applied Linguistics | 3 |
3 | Stylistics | 3 |
4 | Literary Theory and Practice | 3 |
5 | Pakistani Literature in English | 3 |
BS English 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Postcolonial Literature | 3 |
2 | American Literature | 3 |
3 | Translation Studies | 3 |
4 | Womens Writing | 3 |
5 | World Englishes | 3 |
Course Outline: BS English Minhaj University
The course includes a major portion of literature and creative writing both of which are interlinked and essential to develop the required skills in various professional careers. The degree of BS English literature from Minhaj University enables the students to major in English later at the post-grad level from both national and international institutions. Following is a description of the subjects in BS English at Minhaj University and the course outline.
BS English 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-I (Functional English-Compulsory) | 3 |
2 | Introduction To Computers) | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Lit: History of English Literature | 3 |
4 | Introduction to Ling-I | 3 |
5 | Principles of Micro Economics | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
7 | Life and Learning I | 1 |
BS English 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-II (Communication Skills-Compulsory) | 3 |
2 | Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) | 2 |
3 | History of English Literature | 3 |
4 | Phonetics & Phonology | 3 |
5 | Principles of Macro Economics | 3 |
6 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
7 | Life and Learning I | 1 |
BS English 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-III (Technical Writing and Presentation Skills) (Compulsory) | 3 |
2 | Maths-1 (Algebra) | 3 |
3 | Development of Economics | 3 |
4 | Principles of Sociology | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Lit-II | 3 |
6 | Morphology & Syntax | 3 |
7 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
BS English 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English IV (Advance Academic R & W) | 3 |
2 | Human Rights & Citizenship | 3 |
3 | Islamic Studies (Compulsory) | 2 |
4 | History of International Relations | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Journalism | 3 |
6 | History of English Literature-II | 3 |
BS English 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Visionary Discourse | 3 |
2 | Literary Criticism-I | 3 |
3 | Poetry (14th to 18th century) | 3 |
4 | Novel (18th to 19th century) | 3 |
5 | Socio-Linguistics | 3 |
6 | Research Methodology | 3 |
7 | Life and Learning II | 3 |
BS English 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Literary Criticism & Theory | 3 |
2 | Classics in Drama | 3 |
3 | 19th Century Poetry | 3 |
4 | Semantics | 3 |
5 | Discourse Analysis | 3 |
6 | Psycholinguistics | 3 |
7 | Life and Learning II | 3 |
BS English 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | 20th Century Literature | 3 |
2 | American Literature | 3 |
3 | Language Teaching Methodology | 3 |
4 | Pragmatics | 3 |
5 | World Englishes | 3 |
BS English 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Postcolonial Literature | 3 |
2 | ESP- English For Specific Purposes | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Translation Studies | 3 |
4 | Islam and Western Literature | 3 |
5 | Final Year Project | 3 |
Course Outline: BS English Bahria University
The BS English literature program in Bahria University enables its graduates to use their writing and analytical skills under required situations and apply to different professions. Students choosing and qualifying for this program have a number of career opportunities due to the extensive course outline designed to equip students with the required knowledge.
BS English 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Functional English (English-I) | 3 |
2 | Pakistan Studies | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Literature-1 (Drama & Poetry) | 3 |
4 | Introduction to Linguistics | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
BS English 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English Writing Skills(English-II) | 3 |
2 | Islamic Studies | 3 |
3 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
4 | History of English Literature-1 (Medieval to Romantics) | 3 |
5 | Mathematics | 3 |
6 | Phonetics and Phonology | 3 |
BS English 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Oral Communication& Presentation Skills (English-III) | 3 |
2 | Morphology and syntax-1 | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Literature-2 (novel & prose) | 3 |
4 | Introduction to Computer Application | 3 |
5 | Economics | 3 |
6 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
BS English 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Advance Academic reading &writing skills (English-III) | 3 |
2 | Human rights & citizenship | 3 |
3 | Gender Studies | 3 |
4 | Semantics | 3 |
5 | History of English Literature-2 (Romantics to Present Age) | 3 |
6 | Introduction to statistics | 3 |
BS English 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Classics in Drama | 3 |
2 | Pedagogical Grammar | 3 |
3 | Literary Criticism and Theory | 3 |
4 | Classical Poetry (14-18 century) | 3 |
5 | Discourse Analysis | 3 |
6 | Morphology and Syntax Il | 3 |
BS English 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Morphology and Syntax I | 3 |
2 | Lexical Studies | 3 |
3 | Sociolinguistics | 3 |
4 | Novel (18-19 Century) | 3 |
5 | Romantic Poetry | 3 |
BS English 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Contemporary Literature 1 (Poetry& Drama) | 3 |
2 | South Asian Literature | 3 |
3 | Literature Elective 1 | 3 |
4 | Literature Elective 2 | 3 |
5 | Literature Elective 3 | 3 |
BS English 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | American / Canadian Literature | 3 |
2 | Contemporary Literature II (Prose &Novel) | 3 |
3 | Literature Elective 4 | 3 |
4 | Literature Elective 5 | 3 |
5 | Literature Elective 6 | 3 |
Course Outline: BS English Punjab University
The Punjab University is a top-ranked provider of education. The subjects in BS English offered by the university are allocated such that the students stay interactive while gaining the required skills and knowledge of the field. Following is a description of the subjects in BS English at Punjab University and the course outline.
BS English 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | Islamiat/Ethics |
3 | English-I (Language in Use) |
4 | Computer (Introduction and Applications) |
5 | Introduction to Literature-I (History of English Literature-I) |
6 | Introduction to Linguistics-I |
7 | Fundamentals of Psychology |
BS English 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | Pakistan Studies |
3 | English-II (Academic Reading and Writing) |
4 | Introduction to Literature-II (Poetry and One Act Plays) |
5 | Introduction to Linguistics-Il |
6 | Mass Communication |
7 | International Relations |
BS English 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | English-III (Advance Communication Skills) |
3 | Introduction to Literature-III (Fiction and Non-Fiction) |
4 | Introduction to Linguistics-III (Phonetics and English Phonology) |
5 | Entrepreneurship |
6 | Human Resource Management |
7 | Introduction to Philosophy (Rev) |
BS English 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | English-IV (Advance Academic Reading and Writing) |
3 | Introduction to Literature-IV (History of Literature-II) |
4 | Introduction to Linguistics-IV (The Structure of English) |
5 | Citizenship Education (Human Rights) |
6 | Introduction to Geography |
7 | Introduction to Sociology |
BS English 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | Criticism and Theory-I |
3 | Poetry ( 14th to 18th Century) |
4 | Novel (18th & 19th Century) |
5 | Journalistic Discourse |
6 | Sociolinguistics |
7 | Visionary Discourse |
BS English 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | Criticism and Theory-II |
3 | Classics in Drama |
4 | 19th Century Poetry |
5 | Fantasy |
6 | World Literatures in Translation |
BS English 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | 20th Century British Literature : Poetry & Drama |
3 | 20th Century Fiction & Prose |
4 | American Literature |
5 | South Asian Literature |
6 | Research Methodology |
BS English 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title |
1 | Translation of Holy Quran |
2 | Continental Literature |
3 | Pakistani Literature |
4 | Teaching of Literature |
5 | Research Project |
BS English Subjects FAQs /Frequently Asked Questions
What are the subjects of BS English?
There are different courses and topics covered in detail in BS English. Following is a list of the major subjects; Introduction to literature and linguistics, Classical literature, 18th-20th century literature, Modern English Literature, Forms of Modern and popular Fiction etc.
What are the subjects in 1st semester of BS English?
In the first semester, students are generally taught the basics and fundamentals of literature which includes; introduction to language and literature, history of literature, fundamentals of communication, introduction to modern literature etc.
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