Latest Update
Updated February 2024
The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the newest paper scheme for Class 12th. Accessible on this ilmkidunya page, students can conveniently find the 12th Class Paper Scheme 2024 for Business. Those interested can effortlessly view and download the scheme directly from this webpage to aid their preparations.
Many students opt for Business Sciences because they want to learn the basic building blocks of Businesses and how to grow them. One of the components of studying business is statistics. The Business Statistics (I.Com Part II) is a course that is opted by those students who are interested about it. There are numerous topics within it for example nature of statistics, presentation of data, index numbers, probability theory, and so many subtopics within it. If you want to succeed with flying colors then you need to acquire the Business Statistics 2nd year Paper Scheme 2024. The paper scheme is provided by the educational board of Punjab to facilitate students.
Business Statistics Paper Pattern of ICS Part 2 2024
From the following table, you can get to know the paper pattern of business statistics Inter part 2 according to Punjab Board examination in 2024:
Objective Type |
Subjective Type |
Total Marks |
10 |
Total Marks |
40 |
Time Allowed |
15 minutes |
Time Allowed |
1:45 hrs |
Number of MCQs |
10 |
Number of Questions |
4 |
Distribution of Marks |
Each MCQ of 1 mark |
Distribution of Marks |
Attempt 6 short questions out of 9 having 12 marks |
Total |
10 MCQs |
Attempt 6 short questions out of 9 having 12 marks |
Attempt 2 long questions out of 3 having 16 marks. Each question has 8 marks with two parts each. |
Total |
40 marks |
Necessity of Pairing Schemes
Most students do not purposely use paper schemes because they believe that they know all the important topics; hence they do not need it. But it should be pointed out that missing out topics in guise of human error is a dark possibility. You may not study a topic because you do not remember studying it; so when you are giving an exam that particular topic comes as a form of question. What will you do then? It is better to escape this nightmare and use a pairing scheme whenever you study for your final exams.
The 12th Class Business Assessment Scheme 2024 is important because the topics are given as clear bulleted points. All the topics and subtopics are mentioned so that students can see view at a glance what they have to prepare for in their exams. All the questions, as purported by the pairing scheme, will be made considering the topics given; none of the exam questions will be given out of the syllabus that is highlighted in the pairing scheme.
It should be pointed that the assessment schemes across all boards of Punjab adopt the same paper scheme. For example Bahawalpur Board, Multan Board, DG Khan Board use the same pairing scheme.Ilmkiduniya is your one-stop-solution to everything education related. Ravage through our website to find more resources that are more to your liking.
All Punjab Board Subject Wise 2nd Year Pairing Scheme 2025
Pakistan Studies
Child Development and Family Living
Home Economics
Islamic Studies
Islamyat Elective
Principle of Accounting
Urdu Elective
Commercial Geography
Fine Arts
Food And Nutrition
Health and Physical Education
History of Islam
History of Modern World
History of Muslim India
History of Undlas
Islamic History Culture
Library Science
Military Science
Pakistani Culture
World Regional Geography
Applied Art
History of Pakistan
- Tarjuma Tul Quran
12th Class Pairing Scheme of All Other Boards