Latest Update
Updated February 2024
The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the newest paper scheme for Class 12th. Accessible on this ilmkidunya page, students can conveniently find the 12th Class Paper Scheme 2024 for Islamic Studies. Those interested can effortlessly view and download the scheme directly from this webpage to aid their preparations.
As Pakistan is a Muslim majority country with most of the students being followers of Islam, learning about the Islam becomes imperative because a Pakistani’s identity is tied to Islam. This course offered by the Punjab Board aims to establish grounds for clear understanding of Islamic principles and its basic teachings that every Muslim should know. Students in this course have to learn 12 Raku of the Quran and Hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) with their explanations. These might seem challenging and difficult but in the end you will pull through. However, you would require a 12th Class Assessment Scheme 2024 to effectively study. The paper scheme is attached below on this webpage; scroll down to see it.
Do assessment schemes help students?
As exam dates are just around the corner, this is the right opportunity to start preparing for your Islamic Studies exam because in this course a lot of memorization is required. Many students have reported how beneficial 2nd year Islamic Studies Paper Scheme 2024 has turned out for them because all the topics are laid out in a concise and legible manner.
With just one look, students immediately understand topics they have to focus their efforts on in order to be fully prepared for their exam. Paper scheme enlists topics and informs students what the examiner expects them to be prepared for in their final examinations.The pairing scheme for all boards that come under Punjab Board for example DG Khan Board, Faisalabad Board, Multan Board etc. all use the same paper scheme.
Past Papers
This is the right time to engross yourself in exam preparation, as there is not only one exam you have to prepare for but also multiple exams. The best way to learn and master a subject is through past paper practice. There are numerous Islamic studies past papers that have been uploaded for your ease. If you want you can download them today and then start practicing. However, it is essential to re-learn or revise all the topics that you have studied so that you are able to answer exam questions swiftly.
All Punjab Board Subject Wise 2nd Year Pairing Scheme 2025
Pakistan Studies
Business Statistics
Child Development and Family Living
Home Economics
Islamyat Elective
Principle of Accounting
Urdu Elective
Commercial Geography
Fine Arts
Food And Nutrition
Health and Physical Education
History of Islam
History of Modern World
History of Muslim India
History of Undlas
Islamic History Culture
Library Science
Military Science
Pakistani Culture
World Regional Geography
Applied Art
History of Pakistan
- Tarjuma Tul Quran
12th Class Pairing Scheme of All Other Boards