Latest Update
Updated February 2024
The Punjab Board has recently unveiled the newest paper scheme for Class 12th. Accessible on this ilmkidunya page, students can conveniently find the 12th Class Paper Scheme 2024 for Education. Those interested can effortlessly view and download the scheme directly from this webpage to aid their preparations.
In 21st century, education is highly important to succeed in a meritocratic society. Learning about education is important because through this course we study various theoretical aspects found in the field of education. If you looking for 12th Class Education Pairing Scheme 2024 then you are at the right place because you can find the latest scheme attached to this webpage.
Students in this course learn different topics like Muslim education in subcontinent, education policy of Pakistan, issues in Pakistan’s education system, and other intriguing topics. This elective course covers a vast breath of topics so that students are aware of important concepts and issues in education. Moreover, when learning a specific course it is important and advised by the educational boards to use paper scheme. Just by using these schemes students can drastically increase their final exam score.
Education Paper Pattern of 12th Class 2024
From the following table, you can get to know the paper pattern of education inter part 2 according to Punjab Board examination in 2024:
Objective Type |
Subjective Type |
Total Marks |
20 |
Total Marks |
80 |
Time Allowed |
30 minutes |
Time Allowed |
2:30 hrs |
Number of MCQs |
20 |
Number of Questions |
6 |
Distribution of Marks |
Each MCQ of 1 mark |
Distribution of Marks |
Attempt 8 short questions out of 12 having 16 marks |
Total |
20 MCQs |
Attempt 8 short questions out of 12 having 16 marks |
Attempt 9 short questions out of 13 having 18 marks |
Attempt 3 long questions out of 5 having 24 marks. Each question has 10 marks. |
Total |
80 marks |
Here we are providing the detailed video of edcucation paper pattern which definitely helps the students for better understanding.
Why are paper schemes important?
There is no doubt that pairing schemes can help students to prepare for their annual examinations. A paper scheme is helpful for students because by virtue of this resource they can focus on the important areas of learning. All the topics that will be tested by the examiner are clearly outlined, so that students exactly know what to prepare. Paper scheme act as a guide for students and increase their probability to achieve better grades for themselves.
12th Class Education Assessment Scheme 2024 will help students gain competencies in areas that are required by students to learn for their exams. Students are suggested to prepare for their exam according to the paper scheme. Educational boards release paper schemes before the annual examinations and students are suggested to dedicate their time to practice of all concepts that have been learned. It is important to note that the pairing scheme provided by Punjab Boards is same across other boards that come under Punjab Board. This includes Bahawalpur Board, Lahore Board, Multan Board, D.G. Khan Board, Rawalpindi Board, etc.
Perfect Time to Study
As annual examinations are zeroing in on students, this is a great opportunity to develop and advance their knowledge areas by engaging in active learning of key points in education. By devoting your time right from the get go, students can learn the subject matter ahead of time and devote rest of their time to past paper practice. It has been found that by practicing questions you learn better and it imprints information on your long term memory.
Moreover, following a set time schedule for studying can also increase your probability of achieving high grades. These are few tips that can help you in achieving exceptional grades. Feel free to incorporate these into your studies. Our website provides you with the best educational resources that fit all of your needs. illmkiduniya is your one-stop-solution to everything exam related. Keep visiting this website to get latest updates. We regularly update this website to so that you stay up-to-date.
All Punjab Board Subject Wise 2nd Year Pairing Scheme 2025
Pakistan Studies
Business Statistics
Child Development and Family Living
Home Economics
Islamic Studies
Islamyat Elective
Principle of Accounting
Urdu Elective
Commercial Geography
Fine Arts
Food And Nutrition
Health and Physical Education
History of Islam
History of Modern World
History of Muslim India
History of Undlas
Islamic History Culture
Library Science
Military Science
Pakistani Culture
World Regional Geography
Applied Art
History of Pakistan
- Tarjuma Tul Quran
12th Class Pairing Scheme of All Other Boards