1 |
How does SEO impact a business. |
- A. By decreasing website traffice
- B. By increasing website traffic
- C. By decreasign website visitbility
- D. By increasing website design
2 |
What is quality assurance? |
- A. A process of detecting mistakes in products
- B. A process for marketing products
- C. A process for improving the qality of products
- D. A process for selling products
3 |
How does media bias manifest. |
- A. In the selection of news storis
- B. In the way news stories are covered
- C. Both A and B
- D. None of the above
4 |
Which block specifices different directions for a sprite to move in Scratch. |
- A. Move ten steps
- B. Point -in- direction
- C. Forever loop
- D. Repeat loop
5 |
Whcih tab in the Microsoft Word ribbon contains the "Table" button for inserting a table. |
- A. Home
- B. Page layout
- C. Insert
- D. Reference
6 |
What is primary. application of holographic imaging? |
- A. Education
- B. Entertainment
- C. Medical and scientific research
- D. Nonf of the above
7 |
Which block is used to work with loops in scratch. |
- A. Repeat loop
- B. Point -in-direction
- C. Forever loop
- D. Move ten steps
8 |
Discover the principles that caue the patterns of a problem is called. |
- A. Generalization
- B. Design
- C. pattern Recognition
- D. Deconstruction
9 |
What does SEO stand for. |
- A. Social Engagement optimization
- B. Site Evaluation Optimization
- C. Search Engine Optimization
- D. Search Engine Organization
10 |
Which seach engines does SEO Optimize for? |
- A. Yahoo and Bing
- B. Google and Yahoo
- C. Bing and google
- D. Google and other search engines