1 |
How an we protect our reputation online. |
- A. By behaving lawfully
- B. By discrespetion others
- C. By not thinnking about how our online acticities affect others
- D. By eeing a troill
2 |
What is "FOMO"? |
- A. Fear of Mental Oblivion
- B. Fear of Messing Up
- C. Fear of Missiong out
- D. Fear of Moving on
3 |
What should you do before opening an attachement. |
- A. Use your browsers incognito mode
- B. Scan it with anti malware software
- C. Use a VPN
- D. Avoid clicking on links and attachemens in emails
4 |
Which shout you do if you receive nasty or bullyig comments. |
- A. Report it to the authorities
- B. Respond with nasty comments
- C. Block of unfriend the person
- D. Share it with your friends.
5 |
What ar ethe uses of Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, and Dropox. |
- A. Collaboation on projects in real time.
- B. Sharing personla information with othes
- C. Hosting videos and music streaming
- D. Providing remote acess to your computer
6 |
Which of the following is an ethical issue related to socieally vuinerable populations. |
- A. Misuse of personal information
- B. Employment discrimination
- C. Health insurance discrimination
- D. Implementation of laws
7 |
What is plagiarism. |
- A. A type of online gaming
- B. A tool or remote work
- C. A tupe of online shopping
- D. Presenting othes work or ideas as your own
8 |
How does media bias manifest. |
- A. In the selection of news storis
- B. In the way news stories are covered
- C. Both A and B
- D. None of the above
9 |
What is media critilclsm. |
- A. Analyzng the messaging in mass media
- B. Reporting news without any perspective
- C. Providing unbiasednews
- D. All of the above
10 |
What is phishing. |
- A. A comon type of scame
- B. A tool to protect your priacy online
- C. A software to increase website traffice
- D. A social media platform