1 |
Two lines that never interesect eah other at any point are called. |
- A. Perpendicular lines
- B. Interescting line
- C. Transversal lines
- D. Parallel lines
2 |
Set of whole number is denoted by |
3 |
All even numebrs will have ......... as their factor. |
4 |
Cube is a figure. |
- A. 1- D
- B. 2- D
- C. 3- D
- D. 4- D
5 |
A number which divides all the given number called |
- A. H.C.F
- B. L.C.M
- C. Prime
- D. Composite
6 |
The number..... together with the natural number gives us whole numbers |
- A. 0
- B. 10
- C. 100
- D. 1000
7 |
An integer whihc is neither positive nor negative. |
8 |
Angle greater thn 180 <sup>o</sup> and less than 360<sup> o</sup>is called. |
- A. Acute angle
- B. Obtuse angle
- C. Right angle
- D. Reflex angle
9 |
Which of them are the numbers that we can find in nature. |
- A. Natural numebrs
- B. Rational numbers
- C. Irrational numbers
- D. Whole numbers
10 |
Which of themis the product which we get when we multiply one numebr by another number. |
- A. L.C.M
- B. H.C.F
- C. Multiple
- D. Factor