In this research paper Author investigation the relationship between different political parties in the name of ethnicity and interrelated it with education. How ethnicity violated the rights of common competent people. One of the serious challenges that the state of Pakistan has been confronted with since its creation in 1947 is the self-asscrtion of various ethnic groups. Pakistan is an overwhelmingly Muslim country yet ethnic diversity is of a very high order in a country. Pathans, Baluchis, Sindhis, Punjabis, Muhajirs etc. Constitute major ethnic groups in Pakistan while Saraki constitute a minority both in terms of its distinict identity and demanding for separate province. Each party claim for provide basic needs, rights for common people. But those people who have awareness and have broad vision know that without constructive, positive, ethical education and without justice it is not possible.
Political Leaders:
Let us go round the politicians of Pakistan and seek out these good qualities. Political leaders have not measured up to these good qualities, like, truth, honesty, courage, patience, sincerity, confidence, positively, integrity, wisdom and judgment. These qualities are enables them that they fulfill its mission. A very useful way to explore this crucial aspect of good politicians is with respect to wider relationships and systems. Today our political leaders’ actions have often reflected a commitment for personal gains rather than promoting the political and economic development of the country. Many lawmakers are those who got relief under the infamous National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) as well as many having fake educational degrees. In exercise of their duties, they have failed to set good examples of justice, positively, honesty and truthfulness. Majority of our politicians / Ministers have acted outside this norm, and consequently allowed their actions to impact negatively on public good. In this manner some of them have misrepresented state resources for development that do not profit the public but to keep happy the whims and caprices of a small amount of individuals. Decision – making is no longer administrating by objectivity, transparency and answerability.
Today Pakistan is faced daunting challenges of maintaining the territorial integrity threatened by its incessant ethnic disputes. It is absolutely necessary to alleviate the sufferings of the peer masses there rather than modifying those elements that stir the parochial feelings purposely to gain cheap ethnic popularity in order to promote their personal interest. One only hope that political leadership federal and provincial level would adopt a programmed approach to remove the sense of deprivation.
Sindhi ethno movement based on a separate Sindhi identity The jeeya Sindh movement came in to existence it considered of a cluster of organizations under different names. This movement spread the ethnicity instead integrity and work as a pressure group. In education sector it totally fail to provide any fruitful policy for common citizen of Pakistan. Mohajar Quami Movement MQM in early 1980, they formed their own ethnic political group. But they badly fail in education sector to provide fruitful policy for youth or common citizen.
Today our leaders both federal and Provincial level raise slogan of Saraki Soba Bahawalpur. The major purpose is only self-interest not sacrifice for common people of Pakistan. Let us we see who do honestly in education sector and spent more budgets on education. Who make educational policy for the welfare of competent, honest common citizen, students, youth, etc. Restoration of Bahawalpur Province is good sign but not on ethnic basis. Devolution of powers should transfer young highly qualified, competent, strong moral fiber, and good decision maker occupant of Bahawalpur.
Now we turn the education and evaluate the efforts of our political leaders. Our top leaders encourage bogus degree Parliamentarians because they actually want incompetent rubber stamps for their own use As we know every year’s education policies reviewed by the government but the result are not satisfied. Our wrong and self-interest leaders and policy makers are playing with our nation just for their on profit and aims. Here I draw your attention in Punjab (Parha Lekha Punjab) and education free for all but in the name of English medium schools as we know in governments schools two subjects now teaches in English General Science and Math. In these schools government collect per students 20 Rupees per month. In this way each student pay 250 to 300 Rupees at Middle level. Today common people faces major problems like long period load shedding, daily increases daily uses prices, unemployment, corruption, poverty, parents can not afford further burden or fleeces.
Teacher at each level is a role model for students. It is duty of teachers to teach the lesson of knowledge, peace and awareness. Our youth are the wisdom and light of all darkness. And for the youth to listen to their parents and teachers and be aware of the things out there that can harm them and say away from that.
It is a duty of our teachers at each level suggested them that only the educated are free. Our actual asset is youth who are the future of Pakistan. It is imperative to highlight their leadership qualities and discourage negative activities. Common man and our students is already under immense stress and has very little voice in society. Unfortunately one major reason of military influence is our low-wisdom, self-interest and narrow mind leaders. It is most important to note that teachers have to lead and educate a nation. Teaching is Holy prophet profession.
The training of a human mind is not complete without education. Infect pupils follow a teacher if our teachers are talented and educated students would give good result. When we evaluate the history of Pakistan since birth of Pakistan we analyze the importance of education and powerful role of our teachers and students. Today again need of same passion. With the struggle of teachers and our youth with great zeal we cannot achieve our objective of nation-building and bright Pakistan.
Pakistan politically history shows that the system has been destabilized invariably through domestic causes, usually in-house intrigues, conflicts and conspiracies. The political leaders are too selfish, too self- centered and relentlessly power seekers. Our political leaders are power seeker and not honestly and devotedly work on education system. Exploitation of rules and law is common in every field of life. We see the non-democratic elements especially in education system.
Without wide pupils awareness and an effective public opinion the education system not succeeded. In every field of life the role of teacher is imperative for bright future of Pakistan. We all responsible to teach students carefully in right direction with nation-hood. Not because that we paid of it the whole nation would have to pay at the end. We should take advantage of our youth and strength. It is our duties not wait for leaders do it alone, person to person and feed our students positive way. We know that fortune helps the honest and brave and courage can guide our life and save us.
Let us we evaluate the policies and vision of our present and past leaders.
Let us see the ugly picture how common highly qualified people suffer badly.
In the name of devolution of power plan, simple Matric third division pass make Head of the institution in the name of seniority.
Presedent and Prime Minister of Pakistan have highest qualification is Master, B.A or Bogus degree s enough for Senators, MNA, MPA.
But at school level even in Primary Schools M.Phil , M.A, M.ED, worke on lowest grade on lowest pay.
Smilarly at highest level like the old politicians old officers who have only M.A, B.ED, OR M.Ed degrees have 18, 19, 20 grade and appointed administrated seats.
At University level same ethnicity we can see unkind behavior, harassment, mentally touchier, for highly qualified, competent students, researchers, scholars etc.
Like the political leaders politicians son/daughter make politician even President or Prime Minister.
In education sector educational institutions school, colleges, and University level only son/ daughter/ brother can get job very easily.
Thousands competent highly qualified researchers, scholars are wasting their vigor, traits.
Another ugly example of ethnicity is the exploitation of rights of highly qualified students. More importantly most of the jobs held by M.Phil students are low ranking and low paying. Present bogus degree holders, incompetent, self-interest leaders, officers purged tens of high qualifid like M.Phil, M.A, .M.Ed, students from government service and they want to exploit them badly.
Following can be the key causes of low literacy rate in Pakistan.
Poverty is the prime disadvantage and barrier in the development of Pakistan. The relationship between level of education and poverty is clear.
Low allocation of funds is also a gigantic barrier.
In several rural areas where the local tribal chief’s statement is law, schools will not function without his say so.
The situation of government schools all over the nation and the quality of teaching being convey there are going from bad to inferior, day by day.
Large numbers of ghost teachers have been drawing salaries from the education department. It is important to note all those teachers are ghost who have bad reputation, corrupt, dishonest and selfish.
Lack of awareness of importance of education.
Distance of school.
Large family size.
Show off attitude not implementation accurately and truthfully.
Low literacy rate particularly among woman.
Multiplicity of educational system.
Inappropriateness of curricula.
Education is considered to have a sturdy correlation with social and economic development. Unjust system in education system at primary to highest level is constitutionally and morally wrong. It gives benefit to people on the basis of their self-interest not on merit. Pakistan is under the risk of many problems relating education system. The role of education becomes all the more vital in the development of human assets. Let’s for once put things straight and let competent people, educated people come forward on Merit and let them serve Pakistan for once and see the difference it makes.
Leaders, officers at each level start seeing problems facing teachers, students more positively. In this way they handle problems easily and happily. They should encourage honest competent teachers, students on good performance and increasing and enjoy productively. As we all know positive attitude, encouragement on good performance enhance leadership skills and helps in teamwork. In order to have just the right kind of attitude and proper encouragement and accountability without any fear enhance the good performance equally officers, leaders, teachers and students. It is universal principle motivate your coworkers when they have done a great job, and stop negative work attitude. When leaders, officers, behave equally, nicely teachers, students automatically will behave nicely with officers. Leaders and officers never take part in negative activities; always try finding something good, friendly, confident and responsible.
There is a need of the time that the government of Pakistan should’
Promote the welfare of the common people
Provide protection environment for government servants.
Provide jobs according to competence.
Pay equal compensation for equal education.
Provide opportunities for high-level services.
Accountability for corrupt officers at each level.
Accountability equally at each level officer, leaders.
No immunity for riches and top leaders.
Provide the same facilities in educational institutions.
Accountable corrupt officers, leaders, as soon as possible.
Provide right to work every one according to competency equally.
Promote earnestness.
Promote competent, honest, qualified officers.
Provide right highly qualified students serve their duties at top level.
Provide right highly qualified students, officers, teachers, participate in national affairs, policy making process etc.
Encouragement to youth at each level in right and positive direction.
Save the competent highly qualified students, common citizens qualities and save for deterioration.
Proper check and balance and accountability at each level.
Honest, competent with positive think, strong character, broad vision; good decision maker leadership is most crucial.
Promote integrity, loyalty and Dishearten mores.
Equal chance for promotion.
Same qualification same pay scale. Government responsible to get proper jobs.
Replacement of competent people instead corrupt, top officers, leaders.
Clear education policy with constitutional amendment.
Accountability and clear announcement of policies and clear time frame work.
Announcement of those schemes which launches government should bound complete at proper time.
Proper honestly, adjustment, appointment, promotion, competent deserve people of Pakistan.
We must appreciate that youth are the earth’s most costly resource. In Pakistan education rate is very low. One side government doesn’t want to provide education’s facility to people. Other side our teachers at each level school and colleges don’t want to fulfill their duties honestly. We all responsible we should take action and do work for the betterment of education system. If government and our ministers are honest and sincere they should declare emergency of education. Electronic media should be used for more extensively for educational purpose. Encourage decision making based on educational not political. If competent, honest principals play their role in decision making over issues like curriculum and teachers appointment and we can attain their goals. Its time we awakened the feeling of nationhood among the youth. It is necessary youth respected the research scholar’s point of view and specially follow the Quaid-e-Azam’s and Allama Iqbal’s messages for youth. Such leaders, officers lack interest for common people welfare. Leaders should adopt the campaign against the wrong steps of government.
It is most necessary for leaders, officers at each level to use appropriate strategies to cultivate honest, competent, youth interest. Democracy, justice, nation-building is absent up to now. But the question still has to be answered?
Here I suggest that,
1- Equal system of education. (Both Urdu+English medium) for all top to lower.
2- Provide all facilities in all schools.
3- The main out-of-school reason for leaving primary school is financial. Poverty to be the main reason forcing students out of school.
4- Student’s financial support at primary level is mainly vital.
5- Fair accountability is necessary.
6- Social injustices are main cause.
7- Support on school attendance.
8- Action against parents. Its parents duty to make sure attendance.
9- Improve the quality of the schools.
10- Trained teachers to use new methods that help them raise high academic success.
11- Teachers should love their pupils and guard them against harm.
12- The relationship between teacher and student should be based on mutual respect and love.
13- Teachers have to be models to be followed. They should not do unjustice to their students.
14- To get students accustomed to respect their teachers.
The teacher is the way leading to success.
16- Respect is necessary in all relationships. Respect played important role in survival. Preferred highly qualified teachers and give incentive and attractive pay scales according to college teachers and our administrative officers.
17- Appoint someone credible, academic, intellectual as head of Education Minister.
Lawrence Ziring, Palestine: The Egnigma of Political Development, Dawan Westview, 1980, P. 124.
Tahir Amin, Ethno National Movements of Pakistan, Domestic and International Factors, Institute of Policy Studies Islamabad, 1988, P.58.
Feroz Ahmed, Ethnicity and Politics in Pakistan, Karachi Oxford University Press, 1999, PP. 215-216.
Adeel Khan, Politics of Identity, Ethnic Nationalism and the State in Pakistan, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005, P.17.
K.B.Sayeed, Politics in Pakistan, The Nature and Directions of Change, pp. 113-118.
Sultan Ahmad, Developing Baluchistan, Dawn, 3 March 2003.
Dawn February 14, 2005.
Good Leaders Vital in every Field
Courage and Great Faith
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