Quran Pak said,
Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman.
Get education even have to travel for china.
The whole object of education is to develop the mind and it is the name of Intellect plus moral fiber. The mind should be a thing that works in right direction and positively. So humanity passes good/ moral / ethical values from one generation to another. It is the diffusion of society, so with the help of good moral values, rule of law, truth, honesty, wisdom, loyalty, spirit of devotion etc. we can obtain our goal very easily if we give chance to those who are competent and work with true spirit for the development, progress and prosperity of Pakistan.
Aristotle said;
When asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated, Aristotle answered, As much as the livings are to the dead.
Let us turn our present hideous democratic set up of government and compare with it. This is the most horrible dilemma for any educated Pakistani, that one who is the member of the most valued forum of Pakistan? They all are future maker of Pakistan bogus degree holder and cheater; they cheated and violate the constitution of Pakistan. Politicians lie about their fake degrees and they violate the moral, ethical values, they should get moral answer. Remember one thing only politicians are not fake degree holder, teachers/ legal representative/ bureaucrat/ police/ wapda/agriculture/ and all other fields of life have fake degree holder. Administrator of some private/ government /schools/colleges/ universities/ are also have fake degrees.
President Asif Ali Zardari's government struck down the law badly, Asif Ali Zardari's ally and chief minister of Baluchistan province Nawab Muhammad Aslam Raisani, said a degree is degree, whether it is fake or genuine, it makes no difference. These statements show the vision and mental level of a chief minister Aslam Raisani, and many other ministers / officers/ like present Balochistan chief minister. Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani launch election campaign of bogus degree holder Jamshaid Dasti and verdict by Supreme Court that his degree is fake, all show the violation of rule of law and democratic system. Democracy is a name of honesty, justice, equality, loyalty, truth, etc. Other politicians also said the degree requirement was an imposition by a dictator that had no constitutional validity.
Terrorist attack on schools and destroy the school buildings. Here question arise now where are our religious leaders and Mullahs role. Keep in mind one thing that some religious leaders are capable and they should play their powerful role for the perfection of a society. They are deaf and sightless, they are not interested and able do something better for Pakistani nation. Our present Mullahs are incompetent; ineffectual they are not able make a single policy for the betterment of madras’s and safety of Pakistani nation. Some politicians have rejected angrily to the verification of their educational credentials. They are those people who involved and favor / involved in work of fake degrees, fake stamp papers, fake ID cards i.e, in present regime corrupt/ false-hearted /soulless/ persons appointed on important positions with the mandates to loot and plunder.
We should improve the quality of education at each level primary level to university level. Our teachers and media can play very powerful role in much respect. Our youth is full of talent and can take all kind of assignments. Here question arise what kind of assignments to take our youth. Today we should need to take our students assignment of honesty, bravery, loyalty, truth, etc. Today we need true, honest, competent leadership at each level. Education is only thing that complete the human mind and make us to able we think in right direction and make correct and bold decision for the welfare of our people and Pakistan.
Like the teacher our youth daily see and read different news and stories about top leadership/ party leaders/ and they impress them in many aspects. If our top leaders show their good performance and perform well credibility in all aspect then, surely our youth can learns good things and in this respect media can play very important role and can show the positive picture of our top leadership, and exemplify lesson able stories of honest officers and leaders in which we can tell the benefits obey the rule of law, honesty, truth etc.
Teachers at each level can help youth to guide in right direction, and uplift their ethical values and can make strong character in all aspect. The major fault that can we all see that our top leaders, judges and officers send their children to abroad. Only solution of this education improvement is that our all top leaders and ministers should bound and they all send their children in government schools. It is absolute key for high-quality education in government schools/ colleges/and universities.
wind up:
- Equal system of education.
- Same curriculum in whole country.
- Both English and Urdu medium method of teaching.
- Scientific, research base education.
- Formulate clear policies and strictly implement.
- Reject the previous wrong voting system.
- Verification of degrees at each level.
- Equal accountability and provide impartiality, fairness decision on pending causes in a month.
- Appoint more honest judges on fair merit.
- Appoint competent, honest, devoted teachers / professors on central chairs.
- Shut all robbery, larceny doors at each level.
- Collect tax fairly with out any attachment.
- Last, Referendum on this issue that Pakistani people accept or reject all these parties, and they wish for new system in Pakistan and totally reject the present corrupt political setup and all coalition corrupt parties.
New set up based on, Knowledgeable, truthful, devoted, accountable, youth / common citizen/ should get opportunity to provide fabricate, and productive crop and in this way we can jointly build up bright, prospering, flourish, pompous and peaceful Pakistan. InshAllah.
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