Justice and equality are moral virtue and creates balance in the distribution of rights and duties. As we all know that justice is life, honesty is the spirit of the peoples welfare. Vision is the supreme virtue of human intellect for establishing a society based on honesty. In just society the people should established justice, and treat others without any differences. Great constructive visionary leaders can guide their nations like Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal had great vision which can see centuries ahead. When we evaluate the past we can see that in Pakistan some time leadership syndrome, some times expressive, efficient and visionary. The other side of this picture we can see ineffective, futile, conflicting, and inarticulate without productive and positive vision can throw their nations into disasters. Some negative qualities such as authoritarian tendencies and lack of political development are also major problems.
Justice and courage are essential parts of great leadership. Moral courage is also a high quality for leadership. Courage to speak the truth, to do the right things and to fight against difficulties. As we all know that we never do anything in this world without courage. As we all know that good for good and evil for evil, lastly no person shall carry the burden of another person. No person evil be wronged by carrying the evil deeds of another person. Now in this age of corruption of moral values when we all are faced with all kinds of insincerity, dishonesty and inferiority, it is vitally important to analyze what different aspect of character building should be cultivated and encouraged in our young generation. Without peace, justice and honesty and equality our all efforts not attain.
We can see the attitude of the politicians, bureaucracy, army are anti each other, politicians used bureaucracy and army for their safety, other hand bureaucracy and army never in favor of incompetent politicians and leaders. Our leaders only exist in relation to the society, alone he is nothing, like the wave that exists in the river, and outside the river it is nothing. Similar at each level and every field of life relationship formed morality, unity, without such society becomes disorganized, feeble and dead. It’s necessary that these institutions work in favor of common people, and favor of people’s participation in the political process.
In Pakistan feudal system also stop the way of new leadership which comes from gross root level by perpetuating its hold and rule. As we all know that democracy needs democratic thinking, democratic behavior, and democratic action. We get easily with the help of positive and constructive education and we can attain positive improvement by all accounts. Constructive education gives us good governance, good leadership. True democratic system is the only solution to the internal and external problems of the country.
Today all leaders/teachers/ professors/ officers/ bureaucrats /judges / army of Pakistan promise that we will prepare youth according to the dreams of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam. We should fight against corruption, inequality, poverty, because of bad effects on poor peoples, common people s livelihood, common people s access to education and political choices and participation. Misuse of power at each level and every field of life generate many bad effects on the society, and selfish politicians / officers/ actions unbalance the country like Pakistan. We will do any thing to take Pakistan to its destiny. Its time now we stand together to serve, build and protect our beloved Pakistan. A true honest democratic society based upon honesty and justice. Today we need again like Allama Iqbal s Nojawan a true muslim, Mard-e-Momin, Mojahid, Shaheen, Man of Khudi, who pull down the stars to himself. As Allama Iqbal said;
Mohabbat Mojhy Un Nojawanon Se Hai
Sitroon Pe Jo Dalte Hay Kamand.
Today our youth again need of constructive vision, the message of hope, the message of oneness. Today we need the youth who mild in speech and wild in action, youth provide the leadership that lead the nation. We should clear to the fact that the youth is representative of the nation not only of the current nation but also of the nations to come. We should remember this strongly that if the youth of any nation is illiterate, lazy, sluggish or treat in wrong then no one can stop nations to be ruined. We should again need to follow the motto of great leader founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam and our national poet Allama Iqbal s teachings and message. We need to follow the motto of great Quaid Unity, Faith, and Discipline. We should believed in working for the well being of the masses and poor, equal rights and no discriminations between rich and poor.
Today our youth need strong platform. As Allama Iqbal said;
Nahi Na Uneed Iqbal Apni Kisht-e-Veeran Se
Zara Nam Ho To Yeeh Matti Bri Zarkhez Hai Saki.
Let us we all become active and play their active role honestly, sincerely, and save Pakistan. We should avoid the wishful thinking and righteous conduct must be followed.
Its ruler’s duty that they provide justice, security, for all citizens equally. Leaders and officers at each level and every field of life must be chosen best for peoples, and used to make the best of their efforts to provide an atmosphere to their citizens which is pleasant to the development of higher virtues and morals.
Let us turn the education and find out the solutions. Today we all stress on science and computer education, but we neglect the ethical and moral education. Today we need character building, constructive thinking because in the modern age character building and ethical training has been totally separate from education, as result our system is producing an educated but characterless generation at each level. When we evaluate the history we can see that in past teachers/ researchers/ philosophers/ renowned because of their piety, devotion, strong character and honesty etc. They always attached importance of good character, nobility and ethical training etc. Today we should promote constructive education, positive thinking, but only sincere, honest, devoted leaders/ officers/ policymakers etc will make bold decisions to promote ethical, moral and higher education like H.E.C. But unfortunately present government not willing for promotion of higher education in country. In Present government, most ministers especially fake degree holders against the H.E.C, because only with the help of higher education / researchers/ technocrat s/ we put the country on the track of prosperity and development. H.E.C should try to achieve its goals and successfully punished unqualified and fake degree holders as soon as possible wisely. H.E.C and our universities should achieve its goals in right and positive direction and discourage unqualified and inexperienced persons higher on high salary packages, and encourage highly qualified researchers and technocrats etc, and save these precious scholars. Only constructive, moral, positive education and good character teachers / professors / researchers/ technocrats/ leaders have to play a key role in the building up of the superior character of the new generation easily. Its time that all should realize the importance of their job and duties. A nation with corrupt leaders / officers / teachers is a nation at risk. The leaders / officers/ teachers should be models of truth, faith, piety and loyalty etc. We all responsible so we should encourage true, honest, devoted and precise every person at each level / officers/ leaders/ scholars/ technocrats/ etc and give due respect and honor in the society.
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