Many people who consume raw pollen grains wonder if cooking with bee pollen is possible. Although, it is likely better to cook the food then add the pollen afterwards. For example, if you want to have it with oatmeal, then cook the oatmeal first then add the pollen once the oatmeal has been cooked completely.
There are two main methods in which you can consume bee pollen. One is to eat the raw granules and the other is to swallow a natural bee pollen supplement capsule. The capsule is great for people who don't care for the taste or texture of the granules.
Some people will add fresh granules to a smoothie for breakfast. Although, technically it isn't considered cooking with bee pollen because you don't actually do any cooking but it is considered a recipe.
Bee Pollen Has Been Used For Centuries Ancient civilizations such as the Chinese and Egyptians have used this natural substance for hundreds of years for it is healing properties and health benefits. There is even anecdotal evidence that some Russian beekeepers live for over a hundred years due to bee products such as bee pollen.
Today, health food experts consider it to be a super food due to the fact that it contains practically all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients required to sustain life.
Who Can Benefit From This Substance? Just about anyone can benefit from the healthy properties of this substance. Athletes and weight lifters are big users of the natural pollen capsules because of the high protein content of the substance.
People looking to lose weight also are big users of this natural supplement because it can act as an appetite suppressant. Also, another benefit is that it can speed up the metabolism, which can aid the burning of fat cells.
Everyday folks like you and I can also benefit from the many health benefits offered by good quality natural pollen and pollen supplement capsules. One of the more common benefits is that it can provide a natural energy boost without the side effects that caffeinated beverages have.
Cooking With Bee Pollen - Other Uses of Raw Pollen Heat is not good for the nutrients found in the pollen. Which is why it is recommended to keep it in a cool dry storage area. When the pollen is first collected from the beekeepers it is very moist. It needs to be dried and there are two methods that can be used. The heat drying method can destroy the nutritional content of the pollen. Freeze drying the pollen helps keep the nutritional value of the substance.
Thus, it is always better to add the raw pollen to a meal rather than actually cooking with bee pollen. You can add it to yogurt, salad dressing, cereal and smoothies.
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