Everyone seems to have a special diet or tip when it comes to weight loss for women. Unfortunately, most of the ones we hear about on TV, in the store, or from various 'experts', are nothing more than gimmicks. Sure, you might lose some weight, at first. But, before you know it, you'll gain all those pounds back again.
What You Need to Know About Weight Loss for Women
Some of these diet trends do get one thing right: you need to input fewer calories than you output. Unfortunately, many of those diets also include mistruths and poorly researched advice that will only add to your misery.
One of the first ways women try to lower their calorie intake is to eat less. This is one of the worst things you can do. Instead of eating less, focus on eating the right foods, at the right time, so that you can feel satisfied, while keeping healthy and fit.
Low calorie diets and long waits between meals (four hours or more) tell the body it's starving. This triggers the body's storage mode, the largest of which is fat storage. Research suggests you're better off eating every two to four hours, instead. This boosts your metabolism, regulates your blood sugar levels, and helps to maintain your muscle mass.
So, what should you be eating?
Made of amino acids, protein is vital for many bodily processes, including weight loss for women. One of these roles is to increase hormone glucagon. This frees fatty acids and creates a way for the body to use its fat to get more fuel for your cells.
How much protein should you have in your diet? Women doing high intensity training should consume 1.4 - 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass.
Women have finally started to understand the importance of including fat in their diets. The key is to make sure you get good fats, rather than bad fats. But to do that, you first need to know about bad fats.
Bad fats, which include trans fats, don't exist naturally. Instead, they're created during industrial food processing to make foods more pleasing to the tongue and increase a product's shelf life. Unfortunately, these fats limit the amount of bad cholesterol body tissue can uptake, suppress bile acid excretion, and increase the amount of bad cholesterol synthesis in the liver.
Healthy fats are saturated fats (animal fat, tropical oils), monounsaturated fats (olive oil, avocados, and nuts) and polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3 and 6, flax, fish). Together, they help protect your cardiovascular system, improve body composition, and alleviate depression.
Dietary fat is used by our bodies as energy or stored in fat tissue, organs, or other body tissues, which isn't as scary as it sounds. A number of body tissues and cell membranes are fat based. Therefore, balancing your fat intake is important for keeping your entire body healthy and functioning at its best. The fats most important in a healthy diet? Omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and saturated fat.
Just make sure to keep things as balanced as possible. Too much saturated fat in your diet can increase your chance of Alzheimer's, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, stroke, and poor blood viscosity.
How you consume and use carbs will greatly influence the results of your weight loss plans. Because your body isn't made of carbohydrates, it has no place to store them. So, when you intake more than your body needs (or can use effectively), the excess is stored as fat.So, rather than using carbs for an extra boost when your energy is low, use them as an energy source and to repair your muscles after a workout. Just do it wisely.
First, eliminate wheat from your diet. It's a poor fiber source that has high glycemic content. This causes the insulin levels in your body to rise, preventing your body from converting fat into energy. Excess sugar or food is then stored as fat. And when your insulin levels are consistently high, you can develop insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.
Some of the best carbs for moderating insulin and maximizing fat loss are fibrous carbs from vegetables such as mushrooms, cauliflower, and onions. But for the most benefit, seek out dark green vegetables like spinach, which also include high levels of antioxidants as well as fibrous carbs.
Maximizing Weight Loss for Women With Exercise
When people want to increase their calorie output, many of them will avoid exercise -- the opposite of what they should do. Exercise can maximize your weight loss, but it can also help you keep your weight under control, improve your mood, and increase your energy, while promoting bone and ligament health, heart health, and increase muscle mass to help battle the natural aging process.
Muscle training is important for healthy and effective weight loss for women. In fact, the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn daily. (A pound of muscle burns 20-30 calories a day, while a pound of fat burns only 5 calories daily.) Lifting weights will also help you maintain muscle mass as you age, improve bone strength, boost your flexibility, stability, balance, and just generally feel better. Include some resistance training, too. It will help you perform better during your daily routine and physical activities, as well as reduce your risk of injury.
Weight loss is about far more than just not eating or reducing your calorie counts. These trends are useless for anything more than just the temporary loss of a pound or two. If you want to lose those extra pounds and keep them off, you need to understand and use the right methods. Effective weight loss for women must include a nutritious diet, as well as a smart workout regime.
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