Students when you get admission in your desired college and studying your desired study course you should set some goals regarding your further studies. In Pakistan, many students didn’t set their goals and they just go there circumstances derive them and at the last they complain about their failure and blame others for this. Students! One thing you should not forget your whole life is that if life is a journey then you should be the driver of this journey not the only passenger who has to be dependent on others. Experts believe that when we decided to any thing and it would be done at the same time when we decide. So you have to decide where you want to go? What is your next destination? How to get that destination? These are some important points which students should point out in the start of their intermediate. Setting your goal in the start would help you to work hard and achieve your goals.
Students when your intermediate examination has been conducted its very important time for your future. Students now you have to prepare for the admission test of for medical or engineering universities if you’ve chosen these fields as most of Pakistani students select these fields. Now you have to select an institute to prepare for the test or you can prepare it at home but we suggest you to get admission in any local institute which offers preparation for both tests.
In Pakistan there are lots of students who have made plan to get admission in medical or engineering colleges but there are limited seats in medical and engineering colleges and all the candidates couldn’t get admission. Students who get admission in medical and engineering universities there field of action are very much clear to them.
There are lots of cases observe the students who failed to get admission in medical or engineering colleges committed suicide. Students always remember that if you can’t get admission in medical or engineering its no problem. There are lots of areas and opportunities open for you where you can achiever good repute not only in the country but also in the world. So students if you didn’t get admission in your desired field of study, you should not be waste your time in worrying about it, instead of it you should plan for further studies. There are lots of B.Sc study combinations which are suitable for you but first you have to test yourself and explore your personality traits, your interests, skills and favorites as you did it for selecting your study field after matriculation. It is because may time has changed your interests and may be you have attain more skills by which you can get admission in some other course of study. So students explore your self and as well as talk to different people to give you suggestion what would be best for you.
Students it is fact that your interests and hobbies would change with time so if you want to quit a study program which you’ve selected for intermediate and now wanted to get admission in new field it is natural and you can do it. You can join Law College, commerce education is also best, fashion education is also have a big scope in Pakistan, media industry also booming in Pakistan. So students don’t be frustrated now and quickly decide a new destination and get admission in that field of study. You can get admission in law, B.Com, and many more options are there, just you have to decide what is beneficial for you.
When you decide your further study plan here you should again set some goals of your study and plans about what kind of skills you need to develop during this study period. Here an important thing is that now you also have a burden of getting job right after graduation so you should be clear about what kind of job you should kind of job suits you and what skills you required to get that job. Some student would think that they are not going to do job after graduation so why should they try to get that skills. Its right that most of the students are not going to do job after graduation but after graduation your study would lead you towards your career selection and you should have some more skills than other candidates to get job in the job market. Students you should be well aware of your goals so that you can achieve them clearly.
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