Career counselling is very much important for the development of nation into a great and developed nation. There is no concept of career counselling in Pakistan but few years ago Pakistani colleges and universities started career counselling departments in the institutions. But there is still our education system is lacking behind in career counselling and students guidance for selection study fields for further studies. Students mostly depends on their parents or other family members while selecting their field of study and due to this usually they enroll in a study field which is not fit for them.
In Pakistan mostly parents decide about the study programs for their children and they decide on their own wishes. Parents don’t decide it according to the personal interests and skills of their children. Mostly students are not able to decide their own study field because of unawareness about their own personality traits and hidden talents.
In this scenario career counselling in Pakistan is very much needed and the requirement for our development. It is said that Pakistan has guided missiles but unguided youth which is the real asset of the nation. There are lots of topics on which students required guidance. If you visit any college or university of Pakistan you will find that most of the students are very much desperate about their future. There is huge number of students who don’t know about their destination and they are travelling and struggling without any destination in their mind.
Students there should be a goal and then you should struggle for it. You should first of discover your personality and hidden talents then get information about different study field and explore which study field is according to your personality and talents. You can select one or more than one study fields also then find which is most related to your personality. You can also give numbers them on priority bases. has started to provide career counselling and student guidance for Pakistani students. In this section ilmkidunya provides all kind of information for the students are the job seekers. There are lots of topics and issues on which the guidance is required to the students. Here are some articles written by students and career counselling experts for the guidance of students.
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