Study in United States Guide


Want to go to United States for higher studies?

Introduction of USA Study

The land of ideas, opportunities and new openings, the USA offers high-quality educational programs for students from all over the globe. The U.S. has monopolized the attention of most all study abroad candidates due to its quality education and more market opportunities for USA graduates.

The surveys say that almost 600,000 worldwide students are currently pursuing their higher education degrees in the USA. Following are the top ten reasons why students select USA colleges and universities for further studies.

1. Brilliant Educational Institutes

It is assumed that world's best higher education is offered in the USA, especially in the field of technology. U.S. degrees are accepted across the world and are considered to be among the most influential.

2. In-Depth Research

Educational institutes are the best choice if you want to do in-depth research and research is your passion.

There are frequent research opportunities in every field of life that let you to gain practical expertise during their studies. In addition, due to funding from the U.S. government and public and private corporations, students who work as research assistants often receive a waiver of tuition fees and are provided with a stipend to help with their living expenses.

3. Flexibility in Course Curriculum Offerings

The courses offered in different colleges and universities in USA are very large and diverse and students have a great variety of courses and subjects. Students often have option to choose the elective subjects of their interest with the main course from other subject areas.

4. Financial Support

In some situations, financial support is provided to global students. Most of the universities financially support international students either in the form of providing teaching or research assistantships. These assistantships are based on academic merit, rather than financial need. Awarded students will receive earnings, and/or either partial or full tuition waivers. In some cases, a student's education could turn out to be completely free if the student exhibits outstanding skills in his or her field of study. Students also have the opportunity to receive grants, loans, and scholarships from various organizations.

5. On-Campus Work Opportunities

Most colleges and universities in USA allow global students to work on their campuses as part-time employees. Students who are on F-1 student visas can work on-campus up to 20 hours a week during the academic year, and up to 40 hours a week in the summer or vacation periods. The students are usually paid an hourly rate (usually from US$ 8.00-US$15.00 an hour), and their wages help to cover their living expenses. Students are placed in jobs based on their financial need and personal skills and experience.

6. Internships

Students are allowed to work as internees in their relevant academic fields outside of the campus during summer vacation. There are internship programs during the academic year as well. Internships are a valuable part of education as they help students gain practical expertise while taking classes. Most universities also offer academic credit for internship experience.

7. Job Opportunities and Professional Training

After the completion of degrees students can work full time for one year in a field which is related to their degree under the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. Then if students show the competence there they may be hire as permanent employee after the completion of OPT by getting sponsorship from their employers for H-1 visa, which is a temporary work permit for foreign national to work.

8. International Student Affairs Offices

Most all USA educational institutions have an international student affairs office with advisors who provide extraordinary guidance to global students to help them navigate the sometimes puzzling university and immigration bureaucracy and to get the most out of their educational experience. In addition to immigration and academic advising, these offices also often host events and workshops to help intercontinental students meet other students and get involved in campus life.

9. Cultural Exchange

Apart from what is taught in the classroom, global students also communicate learn from other students from many different countries and diverse religions, cultures, economic and ethnic backgrounds. This experience can be eye-opening for many international students and helps them to become true global citizens. It is a great source to cultural exchange.

10. Importance

The success of any student is directly related to the commitment and hard works he/she exercises. Definitely, the USA offers a very high quality of education. The variety of skills and cross-cultural environment can make the learning experience in USA universities a rich and distinctive. Due to these reasons the graduates of colleges and universities of USA have very importance significant in internationals market. With such diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, international students are better prepared for working with absolute ease anywhere in the world.


Study in USA Guide


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