Study in United States Guide


Want to go to United States for higher studies?

Admissions Requirements

After you've considered these above criteria, it's time to look at your list and then choose the institutions where you can have realistic entry expectations based on student profiles available for admitted candidates. It's always a good idea to apply to at least three institutions: one "reach" school, where you may not exactly fit the admissions qualifications but you would love to attend; one school where you would like to go and feel that you have a good chance of admission; and one "safety" school, where you meet or exceed the admissions requirements and can count on receiving an approval.

Keep in mind that each college or university has its own requirements for admission, and this can vary institution-to-institution, as well as department-to-department within the same institution. In addition, do note that the college admission review process in the USA is much more holistic than in other countries. Of course, admissions committees are searching for hard-working, intelligent students but other credentials are also important, such as geographic diversity, professional and/or research experience, foreign language proficiency, management skills, commitment to one's community or social service, etc. While colleges may list required minimum GPAs and test scores, this is often more flexible than it appears, especially if the student has other qualifications that differentiate him/her from other applicants.

Standardized Tests

First of all check the admission requirements of your required institutions if available which is usually available at the official website of the institution. Most of the USA educational institutions ask to pass the tests of English language proficiency as Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with grades. Some schools will list a mandatory minimum score, and others will leave this more open. At the undergraduate level most institutions require a minimum TOEFL score of 550/213/80 or an IELTS score of at least 6 band; at the graduate level, these score requirements are usually a bit higher. Keep in mind that TOEFL/IELTS score requirements can vary department to department; in programs that demand more writing skills, the minimum scores will likely be higher.

Undergraduate programs may also require the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and graduate programs may require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or for MBA admission, the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).

There are following tests which required getting admission in different educational institutions of USA.

1. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Reasoning Test

SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test required for admission to undergraduate programs of most USA universities. It measures critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and communication skills that are needed for academic success in college. It evaluates how well a student uses the skills and knowledge he has attained in and outside of the classroom.

The SAT is owned, published, and developed by the College Board. The College Board states that use of the SAT in combination with high school grade point average (GPA) provides a better gauge of success in college.

2. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Subject Test

SAT Subject Test measures the knowledge and skills of a student in particular subject areas, and their ability to apply that knowledge. Many colleges use the Subject Tests for admission, for course placement, and to advise students about course selection. These tests give colleges a very reliable measure of how prepared a student is for college-level work in a particular subject.

The SAT Subject Tests offers an additional opportunity to show colleges the applicant’s strength in a particular subject.

3. American College Testing (ACT)

ACT assessment measures high school students’ common educational growth and their capability to complete college-level work with the multiple-choice tests covering four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The optional Writing Test measures skill in planning and writing a short essay. Specifically, ACT states that its scores provide an indicator of "college readiness", and that scores in each of the subtests correspond to skills in entry-level college courses in English, algebra, social science, humanities, and biology. 

4. Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)

The test uses a multiple choice and essay format to measure student`s ability to understand North American English required to communicate in colleges and universities. The TOEFL is accepted by more than 6,000 institutions in more than 130 countries.

5. Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) has been developed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) to assess the verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that are not related to any specific field of study. The scores of this standardized test helps any accredited graduate, business or professional school, or any department or division within a school, to assess the advanced study potential of their prospective students and to supplement undergraduate records and other qualifications for graduate study. The Institution may require or recommend that its applicants take the General Test, a Subject Test, or both. Non-accredited institutions, approved by the GRE Board, can also receive the scores of the applicants.

6. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

Graduate Management Admissions Test or GMAT is an approved test for MBA candidates. This test is designed to assess the potential of students by calculating their mathematical, verbal and analytical writing skills. GMAT test, initially prepared for use by the Institutes/Universities of USA offering programs in management and business, is now used as a criterion for allotting admission to students internationally by more than 1700 universities/institutes.

The GMAT is designed and administered by Pearson Vue at the behest of Graduate Management Admission Council or GMAC. It is Pearson Vue which reports the test score to the universities and institutes.

7. Law School Admission Testing Program (LSAT)

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day standardized test required for admission to LSAC-member law schools, most Canadian law schools, and many non "ABA" approved law schools. It provides a standard measure of acquired reading and verbal reasoning skills that law schools can use as one of several factors in assessing applicants. The test is administered four times a year at hundreds of locations around the world.

The LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school: the reading and comprehension of complex texts with accuracy and insight; the organization and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable inferences from it; the ability to think critically; and the analysis and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others.

Contacts for Tests Administrators for USA

GMAC Graduate Management Admission Council conduct GMAT

GRE Graduate Record Examination

Educational Testing Service

GRE Testing Program

CN 6000

Princeton, NJ 08541-6000


GRE Writing Assessment

Educational Testing Service

C/O GRE Testing Program

CN 6000

Princeton, NJ 08541-6000


MAT Miller Analogy Tests

Psychological Corporation

7500 Old Oak Road

Cleveland, Ohio 44130


Pearson PTE Academic

TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language


CN 6152

Princeton, NJ 08541-6152


TSE Test of Spoken English


CN 6152

Princeton, NJ 08541-6152



Study in USA Guide


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