Physics is one of the most important subjects of science group that is being taught in colleges. Physics is
the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of
Physics contains mechanics heat, light and other radiation sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure
of atoms.
Physics paper comprises of two section, objective and subjective. The objective type paper involves multiple
choice questions in it. For this reason, ilmkidunya has introduced the online testing system. You can easily
take the test of any subject that you want to take.
After attempting the complete online test, students can also get the result through which they will be able
to know about their preparation level.
Ilmkidunya provides the excellent opportunity to the students they can get prepare for the exams online.
These MCQS are prepared by the expert and professional teachers. It is the most easy and better way. After
attempting these mcqs students are fully prepared for the annual exams
Ilmkidunya has uploaded all the MCQs that are included in the syllabus, 20 percent of physics paper
comprised of multiple choice questions. Students must attempt this online test for getting exceptional
marks. through this online test they would be able to judge their ability.