1 |
Essentials of successfl banking. |
- A. Large capital
- B. Secured loans
- C. Inflation
- D. Both of these
2 |
Which document indicates the authority and limitation of bank |
- A. Memorandum
- B. Articles
- C. Certificate of incorporation
- D. Prospectus
3 |
The main purpose of commercial bank is. |
- A. Walfare
- B. Issue notes
- C. Earn Profits
- D. All these
4 |
The change in the address of abnk should be intimated to registar within: |
- A. Eight days
- B. Ten days
- C. Eighteen days
- D. Twenty eight days
5 |
How many minimum promoters are required to sign on an application for the registration of commercial bank |
- A. Two
- B. Five
- C. Seven
- D. Ten
6 |
The first central bank of indo-Pak |
- A. Bank of Calcutta
- B. Imperial bank
- C. Reserve bank of India
- D. None of the above
7 |
Money creative bank is |
- A. Central bank
- B. Commercial bank
- C. Consumer bank
- D. Both a and b
8 |
The temples were used as banks in: |
- A. Italy
- B. Rome
- C. China
- D. Greece
9 |
Money Lenders usually known as. |
- A. Sheikh
- B. Nawab
- C. Seth
- D. Debtors
10 |
What type of institution a bank is: |
- A. Financial
- B. Social
- C. Religious
- D. All of the above