Education Minister Punjab Murad Raas in his latest tweet said that the opening of transfers has been discussed by the School education department and Punjab Information Technology Board. They ensure the transparent and merit base transfer of teachers. He furthermore added that teachers do not need to worry as I completely understand their issues and problems regarding the opening of transfers and this issue will be resolved soon.
Completion of Preliminary Work
This is one of the major issues that teachers are facing as the transfer process has not been started. In a few weeks, the School educations department and Punjab Information Technology Board will complete their preliminary work to initiate this process. The opening of transfers will be announced soon.
E-transfer of Teachers
Previously both departments launched an e-transfer platform for the public school teachers. The transferring tenure revised from three years to one year. The transfer eligibility has been reduced to facilitate the teachers. The applications have to be submitted through the e- transfer and this procedure is highly appreciated by the teachers of Punjab. But this year no application for the transfer has been submitted and processed and the respective authorities are still working on it. Soon after the completion of preparation for this process, the opening of transfers will be initiated.