The human living is this world of technology is swimming in the ocean of harmful radiations(EMR) which are transmitted by wring in building, power lines, electrical appliances, wireless devices and millions of other technologies which are now a compulsory part of our life, all the small to huge machines around us whether it’s our radio alarm clock or our mobile phone, our microwave oven or our dishwasher all these machines are emitting radiations which are causing serious health threats for us.
But there’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat: EMR from cellular phone, both the radiation from the handsets and from the tower-based antennas carrying the signals, which after study are proved causing development of brain tumors, genetic damage, and other exposure related conditions. Reports have proven that keeping mobile phones near you while going to sleep causes delays and reduces sleep, and causes headaches and confusion, in fact the mobile companies them self-have mentioned in their reports that that using the handsets before bed causes people to take longer to reach the deeper stages of sleep and to spend less time in them, interfering with the body's ability to repair damage suffered during the day.
The report says that the alarming is quite serious for the children and teenagers who use their phones late at night and who especially need sleep. Their failure to get enough can lead to mood and personality changes, depression, lack of concentration and poor academic performance. The scientists studied 35 men and 36 women aged between 18 and 45. Some were exposed to radiation that exactly mimicked what is received when using mobile phones; others were placed in precisely the same conditions, but given only "sham" exposure, receiving no radiation at all.
The people who had received the radiation took longer to enter the first of the deeper stages of sleep, and spent less time in the deepest one. The scientists concluded: "The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are adversely affected."
With reference to the handsets, the effect of radio waves emitted by the cell phone communication, especially with specific reference to human health, can be categorized as, thermal, non-thermal and genotoxical.
Thermal effect is one whereby the electromagnetic field of radio waves induces polar molecules that generates dielectric heat letting the live tissues die. Like some part of head, while receiving the message through radio waves if happens to experience increased temperature can have damaged nerve fibers.
Non-thermal effect, in which keeping the temperature generated by radio waves constant we discuss only the electric current that passes through the cell membrane, while transcribing messages.
Genotoxical effect, which has been included in the discussion in 2006. Researches by Greek scientists, Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Nezis IP, and Margaritis LH (2007 Jan) claimed that there’s a causal relationship between cell phone radiation and DNA damage.
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