Now a day’s getting education has become the most significant part of every individual’s life. While time spent in school and college is the happiest experience for most of the students including both girls and boys. But comparatively girl’s education experience is mostly with many hindrances. Girls face a lot of problems while studying at school or college. Every student face problems according to their situation which varies among girl students. However, there are 10 common problems that are faced by girl students during school and college. If you are one of those girl students who face problems on their way to college, get a jump on how to face these issues that may occur in your path. Peer Pressure

1 Girl Health Issues

Most of the young girls have to face a lot of health issues as some of the students stay away from home. Such students when eats food from the cafeteria and outside meals probably fall sick very quickly. Falling sick means missing important lectures and lessons which can result in poor attendance and loss of lessons. Such students suffer from mental health conditions because of the heightened stress, poor self-care, and lack of sleep in order to cover all the missing lectures.

The solution for such girl student’s health issues is that each student should eat healthy food and get as much sleep as they can after college or school time. Students should also make a habit of washing their hands so that the chances of falling ill can be reduced.

2 Mode Of Transportation

Girl students also have to face transportation issues while going to school and college. As many of the girls fear harassment during travelling by public transport. Public transports are always crowded by men and women have to struggle a lot for finding their safe spot in the transport and while standing among the crowd.

The solution for girl transportation issues can be resolved if the public transports facilitate girl separately. As for entrance, there are two gates public transports should specify one for males and one for females. Moreover, they should reserve some seats for girls and others for boys in order to provide a safe traveling experience.

3 Girl Social Problems

Girl students face many social problems as some students found it difficult to merge with the new people studying in their classes. However, some students are lucky enough to find peers in the start. Somehow making new friends and interactions with new classmates is healthier but girl students should take their friendship in a sequence because spending too much time with peers could be destructive and will raise many social issues.

The solution to this problem is to prioritize your time according to your needs. Limit yourself in order to be secure from the arising social conflicts.

4 Time Management

School and college girls have many challenges during their academic careers. One of the significant issues is time management. As school and college life is the starting point of your educational journey you have to do a lot of effort and students have to complete a huge course and textbooks in a short time period. It is difficult to manage time according to studies.

The best solution for your time management is to make a time schedule according to which you have to prepare for the exams and college /school lessons. The purpose of education is to learn but that does not indicate that students should study 24/7 as with good time management you will be able to enjoy education and life on a daily basis.

5 Early Marriage Issues

Some parents force their daughters in early marriages and with new overwhelming relationships studying can be harder than expectations. Girl students can easily get distracted from their goal of studies as they have to fulfill many other responsibilities.

The solution to this problem is talking to your parents about it and take relationship advice in order to better cope up with the relationship and education life.

6 Financial Issues

Many students who desire to study in the best and most reputed institute have to face many financial issues. As, tuition fees of schools, academy fees, daily transport charges, food charges, examination fees, other activities like parties, trips expenses make it very difficult to study by affording all these expenses. For this purpose, some students starting teaching little kids after college which results in a lack of sleep and lack of time for own study and the amount of responsibility.

The easiest solution for all girl students is to identify their needs according to the given money by deciding what is more important and how they can save their money by spending from a provided budget.

7 Girls Security & Safety

Many parents get conscious while sending their young girls to schools and colleges. With the growing crime rates, it is very important to ensure a safe and secure zone of education for all female students. Girl students face problems of harassment sometime within the institutes, people outside the institutes. They have to be very careful while coming from their homes to schools and colleges. Moreover, girls living away from home have to suffer from the harassment of hostel authorities.

The possible solution to ensure the safety and security of girls is looking for an institute with a well-known reputation where you can easily control these unpleasant activities. Moreover, parents should try to give pick and drops to their young girls so that they don’t have to worry about their safety.

8 Homesickness

Girls are more prone to get homesick which is seen commonly among young students and found challenging somehow. Some students admit it and some deny it but at some point, a girl student may get nostalgic especially those who have to travel far like three to four hours from their home and students in their first year suffer as they are not so much habitual of staying away from home.

The solution is simple that ask your family to visit more, talk to them more often and sometimes once in a month take a break a visit home in order to not get homesickness. Moreover making new friends with the same issues can also provide a sigh of calmness and relaxation. This way you will feel more comfortable with the new environment and routine and whether it’s not obvious but this problem among students is common so help each other by talking and sharing stuff.

9 Depression & Anxiety

While students are growing young they are more likely to have depression and anxiety issues. Studies bring so much stress and so as the peer pressure and pressure coming from family for high grades, high scores, good performance in school and college. Many students spread themselves more than there limitation which is exhausting at the same time and could easily lead to long term depression.

The solution to overcome anxiety, stress, and depression is to study according to your limitations. Do not pressurize yourself more than your capability. Studying doesn’t mean dragging yourself into depression. For this purpose girl, students should find a healthier friend circle and talk to their parents regarding these issues. As only talking about the problem would lead to further solutions.

10 Choosing Career Perspective

A college education is very important for a future career and choosing a major with a career perspective is a bit of a challenge. Your major career perspective will determine your whole future and have huge importance.

The solution for this purpose is to choose a major with a career perspective that ensures success and which you will like to do for the rest of your life. However, worrying too much about your career will not bring any good except for the unwarranted stress. Girls students should focus on education and try to learn as much knowledge as they can.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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PUCIT Lahore

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