Stress happens and that’s not always bad. Starting a new job or getting married both can be happy things but they also can be really stressful. Some kinds of stress can be very harmful though. That you are feeling you are drowning in the work but still you are working to make both ends meet. Stress refers to your psychological and physical reactions. Stress at work is really something that we don’t have freedom to change. I mean that the first option would be to change the job and another one would be how to respond to it. People typically describe job stress as it is the perception of having little control but lots of demands when the stress is relentless and continues daily.

How to make “Stress” your friend?
Well every one of you who is here come on make a confession before yourself that all of you may have some time faced mild, moderate and high rates of stress in their life. Yes I did that too. Well my mission is to make people healthier and happier. But something that I did to myself for the past ten years is more harm than good and yeah we have to deal with stress. Stress makes you sick. It increases everything from common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically I had turned the stress into the enemy but I have changed my mind about stress. So now I want to change yours.
Let me start with the study that you may think of my whole approach to stress. This study tells 30000 adults in the United States for 8 years and they started by asking people how much stress you have experienced in the last years. They also asked, ‘Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?’ and then they recorded the public death rate to find out who died. So yeah some bad news first, people who experienced a lot of stress in the previous years had a 43% increased risk of dying. But that was only true for those people who think that stress is harmful for them. People who believe that stress is not harmful have the lowest risk of dying. The study tracked that 182000 Americans died from believing that stress is bad for their health. This study freaked me out and here I am putting so much energy to change the mind of the people that stress is not bad for your health. Thinking that stress is not bad for your health can make you healthier and the science says yes. You change your mind about stress; you can change your body’s response about stress. Chronic stress is normally associated with cardiovascular disease. Five tips to manage this cardiovascular disease causing stress.
5 Tips On how to manage your “Stress” at your workplace
So when I think of how to reduce stress at workplace effectively, the first tip that I like to recommend to you is to
Talk To Yourself As You Would During Your Shear Circumstances
We often neglect to give the same love and compassion to ourselves but that kind and understanding talk to ourselves actually calms the nervous system.
Breathe Deeply
Take a calm breath into your waistband. So often when we are under stress our body usually responds and reacts. So one of the first things that shifts stress when we are under stress is our breathing pattern which becomes shallow rapid. So just by breathing deeply so that you inhale your stomach gently rises and when you exhale your stomach gently falls and that will actually calm your nervous system.
Avoid The Painful Cause Of Perfection/ Set Realistic Goals
You know very often people set very unrealistic goals which are humanly impossible to achieve and they set themselves to a very high level of stress Just in that attitude and approach. So we are not here to do things perfectly but to do them to the best of our ability. And in service of that you might again want to set realistic goals and priorities for example what are the 3 months important things that you might want to do today and the most important things to focus on.
Care For Your Body
My fourth suggestion is to remember that you have a body that needs to be taken care of during your work day and it is worth it. Remember to take your lunch and take your 15 to 20 minutes of break; breathe well, drink a lot of water in your day and you might want to learn some gentle stretches that you can do at your desk which helps your muscles to relax or take a short walk you can do it when washing your hands. Remember to take a slow deep breath.
And my fifth suggestion is:
Review What Went Well
At the end of the day review what went well during the day. Think about what your success is worth what was positive, helpful, and valuable. By focusing on these positive things you can reduce your stress and feel good about yourself.
Mehran Ali
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