Peshawar: December 16, which is the darkest day for the country as well as for the whole humanity. Terrorists attacked the school, killed innocent children and but they failed to attain their purposes as whole nation is united and battling the terrorists with full spirit.
Now, the day will be recalled for the pessimism and destruction descended on the provincial capital.
There was no letup in the wailing of ambulance sirens. Dozens of ambulances, both of government as well as non-governmental organizations, appeared to be running short for ferrying bodies of students and teachers of the army public school and college, who fell victim to the overwhelming act of terrorism on Tuesday.
There were ambulances of different hue and color, but all portions the same determination of carrying the injured and the bodies to main hospitals, including the joint military hospital and the lady reading hospital.
The news of school attack feast like a jungle fire in the provincial capital and contiguous areas.
The attackers come into the school from the backyard as there is a safety cordon and military check post on the small road off the Warsak Road on which the school is located.
The ambulances were transporting sadness to those whose children were murdered by terrorists.
People penetrating for their near and dear ones in the hospitals on the warsak road, where the ill-fated educational organization is located, were whoosh towards ambulances in the expectation of getting information about their missing children and other relatives.
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