After the death of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad Operation on 2nd May, Pakistan was disgraced all over the world especially by the western world and Pakistan become suspicious among the nations.

America violated the country's sovereignty and air to act on its plan to kill Osama single handedly without informing by sending their troops to the Pakistani soil although it was an ally in war against terrorism. It not only spoiled the Pakistani nation's confidence but the government and military establishment were also been quiet for 3 days after this operation.

As time passed and they (government & army) realized that this incident has shaken the confidence of Pakistani nation and people now expressed serious concerns about their safety and more than this, the safety of nuclear assets and country's sovereignty. They realized that this is a huge blow on the face of our sovereignty that the nation will keep it in their minds for a long time and it will become an unforgettable incident. By seeing this that people have some strong reservations and consider America as their biggest enemy government who was happy about this operation before called upon an in-camera session to discuss this issue. The Pakistani government condemned the incident that it was executed solely by American although the purpose was upright (to kill Osama).

D.G. ISI General Ahmad Shuja Pasha briefed the parliamentarians about this incident and accepted his failure and his institution in this regard in the presence of Army Services Chiefs. He apologized to the nation for neglecting behavior and assured people to not to repeat this in future.

Parliament as a whole condemned this American operation and passed a resolution against this. In this resolution, some actions to redefine the Pak-American Relations, to stop drone attacks, to stop the NATO supply and to fight against terrorism without American involvement were proposed.

As this resolution passed by the parliament, American senator John Kerry visited Pakistan to clear the American agenda over Pakistani government and military. He made it clear to the Pakistanis that they would do anything to make the Americans secure in the world and can attack anywhere in Pakistan even if any clue about the terrorists was found. The drone attacks were also happened in Kerry's presence in Pakistan. On the other hand Pakistani government didn't demonstrate any agitation on this but to agree with America that they would fight against terrorists more vigorously and with heart.

Why Pakistanis are so helpless that they can't live without America, Why they can't stand against Americans? Why Pakistani government and Military always surrender to Pentagon? There are solid reasons for this and these are describes as follows;

  • Pakistan's one of the biggest issues is that its leadership is disqualified and can't tackle the issues as these emerge whether on national or international level. They are much more interested in power politics and don't bother to tense over national problems.
  • Most of the decision makers come from privileged class and don't have any concern about national progress and integrity. They believe in corruption and they always think about how to double triple their foreign accounts. Most of them have fake degrees and in this way they are proved to be cheaters. How they can make a decision on merit? They will surely never hesitate to give sacrifice the national institutions and prefer personal interests to the national interests.
  • Pakistan's economy depends on Loans taken from international financial institutions like International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Asian Bank and other organizations. If these do stop to lend Pakistan, the economy will not survive, the country will become defaulter. The government would not have the proper fund to pay the employees and run the institutions. These international lending agencies require the permission from developed countries to give loans to any country, if they don't agree; it can't give loans to any country. So Pakistan can afford America and Its allies' anger.
    Qarz ki peety thay meh aur samajhtay thay k han
    Rang laye gi hamari faqa masti aik din
  • Americans have the latest, modern and advanced technology among the nations. They have better technology and equipment in the every walk of life like health, science, education and more than this in the field of defense. No country in the world including Pakistan would like to make America angry with it. Don't forget the stealth helicopters used in Abbottabad operation to find out and to kill Osama Bin Laden. Americans used it on rare occasions. America is one and only The Super power on the globe after the demolition of Soviet Union. Now America has the power and courage to address the world as it like.
  • Pakistan hugely depends on America in the field of Defense and war machinery as it buys these from Americans. The defense mechanics are purchased either from America or from its allies. Remember F.16, people emotionally say that Air force should get the drones down and should target these, Air Force heavily depends upon America as it gives F.15 and F.16 aircrafts to Pakistan so if America gets annoyed with Pakistan it would stop the supply of avionics machinery and other equipment. Pakistan's defense program will get slow and thus India gets the upper hand in this field which is the center point of Pakistan's policies.
  • America gives Pakistan aid for the development purpose and to support the annual budget, if America imposes Economic Sanctions on it for many reasons and the western allies do the same, the economy will be ruined, public will not afford to live, traders and investor will flew away and thus Pakistan would go in stone ages automatically without getting indulged in war against America.
  • The biggest and the most important reason is that why Pakistan feels helpless before America is that there is no National Unity in the nation. Unity is the strength of any nation. There are 52 states in America and there is no difference on national integrity. We hear one voice from all over the America and that is just America, America. Unlike to America, in Pakistan we see provincialism, talabinzation, religious differences and regional prejudice all over the country. We are a dispersed and disorganized nation as a whole, we lack unity as Iranian. We don't have passion to contribute in the progress of the nation and country. We listen different voices of making new provinces, provincial autonomy, and mutiny against the country and different political theories and these differences overcome the feelings of national integrity and that plays key role in Pak-America Relations.

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