Inappropriately the higher your grades are the more learnt you’re considered. In statistic grades don’t reflect one’s judgment. So, don’t get carried away by of your grades. They might not serve as an emblem of brilliance and genius.
Many greats can be cited in this respect. Bill Gates, the wealthy man on planet earth, does not have a University degree. So taking a piece of paper exaggerated with high grades won’t necessarily place you among the ones who got themselves registered in history books by the dint of their sheer diligence and talent.
The quandary related with the Pakistani educational system is that it has no room for a student who stabs to present things in a way that is somewhat different from the text stated in the books, no matter if it is entirely perfect. This system certifies mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learning which is totally disgraceful. Such a technique can produce students with high grades but not celebrities and scholars.
In our universities the same procedure is trailed which doesn’t stand a chance against the top graded universities of the world. All over the world every single method that can help the students develop a sound technical acuity is plan. However in our country a completely out of date and oxidized system is being followed.
It doesn’t do any best. People get good marks, obtain degrees and when they encounter some real learned people then they are seen explode Tylenols deviation and self-confidence being the other two outcomes.
A large and excessive amount of imitation degree cases is also an extremely critical accusation of our educational system. Adding affront to injury, such immoral people are made qualified to rule the educated masses. Just how shameful and despicable.
The need of the time is that we face-lift our whole system. Education imparted to the masses is of major importance. A sense must be instructed amongst the students that merely earning respectable grades is not adequate. They should know even the inconsiderable of details about what they are doing. They should be provided with the indispensable facilities in order to vigorous way and widen their ken.
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