Muslims are celebrated 12 Rabi-ul-awal in a very wonderful way, making Meelad’s ceremony in our homes and streets. Rabi-ul-awal is the 3rd month in the Islamic calendar of the Muslims. Throughout this month, Muslims organized Meelad, and celebrated the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (SAW). The people of Muslims are decorated the homes with lights and also arranged Meelad ceremonies. The streets were also decorated at their moments.
Sunni Muslims have faith in the exact date of birth of Muhammad to have been on the 12th of this month and celebrated the birthday of our beloved Prophet. The name Rabi-ul-awal means the first islami month or starting of spring, mentioning to its place in the pre-Islamic Arabian schedule. Therefore this is deliberated to be a very blessed month.
Seerat Nabvi seminars are planned at both federal and regional levels where religious researchers and scholars come and shed light on the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) life, maxims, knowledge, beliefs and thoughts. Naat poetry written in respect of the Prophet and Quran recitation competitions are also held where prizes are distributed among people who achieve wonderfully in the above stated disciplines. Masjids were also decorated in a beautiful way.
Every friend to organize a Dars and Meelads in his family and invite others to present homage to the greatest person in the universe (SAW) by reciting Darood-o-Salam. This seminar may be day-to-day held in the house of each acquaintance. This system is continuing whole of the month. After 10 days a collective meeting should be settled at least for one hour and the most of the time may be spent in deliberating about the rising of the Blessed Prophet (SAW) for whole of the humankind. Dars and Meelad are celebrated whole of the month during the Barkaats of this Islami month.
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