April and May's sizzling eat can melt the firmest will power. This is an alarming situation especially for the higher secondary and intermediate grade students who are all set to appear soon in their final board exams.

All across Pakistan heat alerts are signaling to prepare the citizens about upcoming soaring temperatures. What about these young students who are already under the pressure of exam stress. Government is taking action to resolve this issue but unfortunately the existing scenario is not satisfying and students might have to face severe problem because of weather extremities.

Challenges for the appearing Students:

Load shedding, improper infrastructure facilities in examination halls and student's personal physical state all contribute to become the risk factors in this exam season .If you are appearing for the upcoming exam follow these tips to get protected from the harshness of heat stroke.

Exposure to intense heat can cause many nuisances .Getting dehydrated to becoming a victim of heat stroke could be possible .The common ailments of summer season include food poisoning, bacterial infection, dehydration and heat stroke therefore take all preventive measures to get protected from such conditions.

Tips to get protected from heat intensity during exams

  1. Try to take a shower I the morning or half an hour before leaving home to attend the exam day. A cool shower will refresh you and keep your body temperature maintained.
  2. Drink plenty of water even if you are not thirsty to get protected from dehydration .If possible take a chill water bottle with you to the examination centre or never hesitate to ask for a glass if the water is provided at the examination hall.
  3. Try to avoid every type of junk food at least a week before the exam begins. Eat whatever is cooked in home and ask your mom to cook light meals with white meat and keep away from fried food.
  4. Take a light and healthy breakfast or other meal before your exam begins as heavy foods will make you drowsy with upset stomach.
  5. Wear lose and light clothes. Try to wear light colors and avoid dark shades. The fabric should be thin and can let the air pass through it. Wear open sandals instead of closed shoes.
  6. Don't for get to wear a cap when you are out to reach your examination centre. Wear it while walking to get protect your scalp from heat waves.
  7. Similarly wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiations.
  8. If your seat is located at a place where there is no ventilation, ask to change your place or check for the fan .Don't resist to call your invigilator.
  9. If still you find it very hot while writing your paper .Take a pause, drink some water and then continue your work.
  10. Never sit in a parked or closed vehicle to revise your lesson, instead search for an airy place.
  11. Try to avoid caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee as much as possible.
  12. Instead of sipping sugary drinks, drink plain water or fresh fruit or vegetable juices.


To get saved from nasty sunburn, use sunscreen with an SPF content of at least 15. Don't forget to cover exposed skin and other parts that can burn easily like nose, arms, ears and back of the neck.

Lip Balm

Just like sunscreen protects your skin, a lip balm with SPF protection blocks out the sun and moisturize your lips. Apply before the exam to protect your lips from dryness.

Understanding Heat Stroke and its Prevention:

Heatstroke is a pathology in which your body gets overheated due to prolonged exposure high temperatures. This serious form of heat injury, can raise the body temperature up to 104 F (40 C) or higher. Untreated heatstroke can damage brain, heart, and kidneys.

Symptoms of heat stroke:

  • High fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rapid breathing and hear rate
  • Flushed skin

Treatment and Prevention:

Heatstroke is a medical emergency and relying on home treatment is not enough therefore if you find anybody with a heat stroke attack; promptly take him to the hospital.

  • Take the person to a shady and airy place
  • Remove extra clothing
  • Cool the patient with ice or a cold water shower .Swipe wet towel around neck, on head and face.
  • Keep him in front of a fan or lay him in an air-conditioned room.
  • Give medication
  • Give him water to drink
  • Take him to the nearest hospital

Best wishes to all the appearing students. Take precaution to get saved from Heat intensities!

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