Want to work in Google Company or Apple? Here are the details where these companies are situated and how you can join them as an employee.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley refers to the southern San Francisco Bay Area, located in California State USA. The word "silicon" demonstrates the silicon chip manufacturers and users of the region. Silicon Valley is popular because it is the destination where world's largest high-tech organizations reside. It is the place where the leading global business organizations have set up their headquarters. Silicon Valley alone accounts for one-third of all of the venture capital investment in the United States.

The Technological logic of Silicon Valley:

The term is a synecdoche for the USA technology-based economic sector. Silicon Valley is now a global term for high-tech research and enterprises. All across the world, research and technology centers are using this name to develop their technological destination in comparison with the US Silicon Valley.
Among 141 leading global companies from USA, Europe, and Asia Pacific, more than one third are placed in Silicon Valley enjoying a business of greater than $1 billion in this decade.

Why Job in Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley is the innovative hub of computer technology and thus it is the real opportunity seeking destination of new high-tech job hunters. Developing jobs start from ‘hardware’ technology like computers, and semiconductors and the career opportunities progress towards software and applications.

Top Silicon Valley Employment Designations:

  • Executives
  • Engineers
  • Computer, IT Scientists, and Analysts
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Software Developers, Applications
  • Marketing Managers
  • Web Developers
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators

Popular Technical companies in Silicon Valley:

World leading techno companies are located in Silicon Valley. Some renowned examples are:

  1. Google
  2. Apple
  3. Cisco
  4. eBay
  5. Facebook
  6. HP
  7. Intel
  8. Twitter
  9. Yahoo
  10. Linkedin

Where to Study to get a job in Silicon Valley:

Working in Silicon Valley means high pay, countless perks and an atmosphere to work with genius brains. According to 2017’s Most Wanted Tech Employee analysis, the skills and education backgrounds in the technology job market has shown that the following institutions provide the largest number of Silicon Valley employees. The data is based on million applications and thousands of hires who apply and get job in leading companies of Silicon Valley. Various figures are collected from famous Silicon Valley companies like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Zen desk.

American universities with quality Computer science programs

The following US universities in America provide the largest number of employees who get hired in Silicon Valley companies.

  1. Berkeley University of California
  2. Stanford University
  3. University of Southern California
  4. The University of Texas at Austin
  5. Georgia Institute of Technology
  6. San Jose State University
  7. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  8. Arizona state University

Europe Silicon Valley:

California’s Bay area is the ideal destination for students to learn computer and other technology subjects; however Europe has also stepped into the race of developing unique techno estates in various countries. The following destinations are competing to develop Silicon Valleys in Europe.

  • Germany and Switzerland are competing to develop the largest Silicon area in Europe
  • Cambridge is the most significant area in Europe with leading names like ARM and Autonomy
  • Bristol area has the most silicon designers than anywhere except Bay Area
  • Sophia Antipolis resides countless tech companies
  • Ireland and Belgium have set up technological companies on a large scale

Universities in Europe with quality Computer science education:

Technology is not less progressive in European countries as Germany, England and Switzerland are authentic names in providing world class computer and techno based courses. Besides University of Cambridge and Oxford, the following universities in Europe are giving state-of-the-art computer science, engineering and other technical education.

  • International University Geneva - Switzerland
  • Jacobs University Bremen - Germany
  • ULM University - Germany
  • TILBURG UNIVERSITY - Netherlands

Asian and Australian Universities offering Quality computer science degree:

Asian Universities have ranked top in the subject based QS University ranking of computer science. These universities offer the same level of curriculum as taught in western Universities. Australia is another dream destination for international students who want to earn an accredited Computer science degree that help them to get a job in Silicon Valley or similar setups around the world.

  • The University of Melbourne - Australia
  • National University of Singapore (NUS) - Singapore
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Hong Kong
  • Peking University - China
  • Tsinghua University - China
  • The University of Tokyo - Japan

If you are a Pakistani Student and have a dream of getting a job in Silicon alley you can take help from the various international scholarships in computer engineering and other sciences. You can easily study abroad and get a chance to enter in the technological world of Silicon Valley.


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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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PUCIT Lahore

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