If you want to buy a product, you can go to any shopping mall, but where to go looking for information on Services that you need in any city / area / country?
Do you think you do not need such type of directory which gave you all information of all services, under one roof? Normal business directories are loaded with just products, while Services, which are extremely important in our daily lives, are unable to peep their face out of the water!
And, if a person is recently moved to a new place, it becomes a difficult task to find good Service Providers who can say for example paint the house OR repair the plumbing leakage!
As such a business directory, which is exclusively for Services, is what we all need!
Whether you are looking for a cleaning company or travel agency or a financial planner or matrimonial services or health care or shoe repair, this Services' business directory should provide information on all such Service Providers.
And an icing on the cake would be if this Service Providers' business directory is global! This will help in getting information on Services in whichever country we want.
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