One of the oldest forms of advertising is Banner Advertising and it considered a 'stable' marketing strategy, They are referred as the virtual billboards you see on websites all over the internet. Banners are easy to construct and you can say almost anything on them. They can be animated or static.
These virtual billboards can be placed on blogs, ad networks, online magazines, forums, job sites the list is endless.
There are two options in designing a banner.
- Design a banner that is colourful, ugly and sticks out like sore thumb. The idea is to draw attention to your banner first. Depending on where your banner is positioned on the page, if banner is one of six small banners all crowded together you want you banner noticed first.
- You design a banner that blends into the website, so that it does't even look like an advertisment. It has the same theme and content, it's not obnoxious or distracting like the first option.The reason for this type of banner is to make it appealing to the person who hates to be sold to.
The most popular sizes of banners are 125x125, 300x250, 728x90, 160x600 and that is in pixels. Static banners are in (.jpg), animated are in (.gif).
Your banner depends on the likes of people what they are looking for, its perfect strategy. This is when your copy writing skills are important. Are you offering a solution to a problem or creating curosity. You could also offer a free report or ebook. The last thing you need on your banner is a strong call to action like click here or better click here now.
Finding the best sites for your banner depends on your keywords.If your keyword for example is make money, than those are the sites you want to find. Type in your keyword in the google search and research the sites that show up on the first page.You can also look formake money blogs or ezines that way. Once you find a lest 20 stites that allow banners, be sure your check out the amount of traffic to the site. A good resource for that is where you can type in the url from the site and it will tell you the amount of traffic. The site should have more than 10,000 vistors a month.
Placing the banner. The two options I will mention are monthly which is fixed cost or by impression, which means you pay each time someone views your banner and that is performance based. The best option when you are first starting out is monthly. Until you have tested and have created the banner that generates the quality and quanity of traffic you are looking for.
The components of a successful banner are
- the banner matches the vistor to your website (quality)
- the design of the banner ( people click on it)
- the quantity of traffic generated
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