CSS The Central Superior Services exam, an exam of great significance importance for so many students and aspirants around Pakistan. This test has four stages:

Written Exam

Medical Test

Psychological Test


Regarding the written exam is of 1200 marks and total subjects are 12, 6subjects are compulsory subjects while other 6 are optional both compulsory and optional subjects are of 600 each. The passing criterion for compulsory and optional subjects is 40% and 33% respectively. Compulsory subjects are of significant importance because they are bit difficult when it comes to squeezing in some marks but with a little practice and understanding the desired result can be achieved. So here is a complete guide to CSS compulsory subjects.

Compulsory Subjects


Subject Name 



English Essay 



English (Précis & Composition)



General Science & Ability



Pakistan Affairs 



Current Affairs 



Islamic Studies 




1. English Essay

English essay subject depends on a student’s intellect, his vocabulary, grammar and most importantly his ability of sentence construction. The topics for essay writing are usually given. During paper one needs to understand the topic, and brainstorm the idea, create an outline in your mind and then justify your argument. It is compulsory to add an introductory and conclusion paragraph. English essay subject is of 100 marks.

2. English ( Précis & Composition)

It is often said that students who have strong grip on English language and English grammar score good in written exams as well as in interview. This paper includes grammar rules, punctuation, précis writing, and sentence correction. Précis means rewriting a given passage in a concise summary form. If you are good in these departments there is a high chance you can score good in this subject. It is also of 100 marks.

3. General Science & Ability

A 100 marks paper, this subjects comprise of two portions, General Science and General Ability, General science portions includes science subjects and general ability portions includes Quantitative reasoning, logical/Analytical reasoning and Mental abilities. It is said that those with a science background find it easier scoring good marks in this exam. It is a mark gaining and easy to comprehend subject. 

4. Pakistan Affairs

A paper comprising of 100 marks, this subject is the fourth compulsory subject of CSS. The subject deals with Pre-Partition Pakistan and Post Partition Pakistan. The CSS outline covers mostly Post-Partition syllabus. This subject is considered to be tough and lengthy, and require critical thinking and analysis.

5.    Current Affairs 

This subject includes General Knowledge display regarding all the political and current international and national affair. It’s a 100 marks paper, 20 marks for Pakistan’s Domestic affairs, 40 For Pakistan’s External Affairs, such as its relation with other countries and international organizations, and 40 Marks for Global issues for instance Kashmir issue, Palestine Issue, Population issues, human right issues and International economy issues etc.

6. Islamic Studies

An arts subject of 100 marks. This subject can help students fetch desirable marks with a good scheme of preparation. For Non-Muslims another subject Comparative Study of Major Religions is offered.


Those who get proper guidance for the preparation of this prestigious exam can fetch high marks. You need to have strong general knowledge and have a broad vision. 

Top Contributors

Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

249 Articles


171 Articles

Ammara Ghous

130 Articles


79 Articles

M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

57 Articles

Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

56 Articles


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