Globally millions of students are learning their lessons through some skills to get good grades in exams. Here are some interesting myths about studying or educational patterns which are scientifically debunked to help students improve their learning methodologies.


Learning in the same setting will boost up the memory:

Fact: Move around while you study to get the lesson memorized fast:

An interesting fact has come up with a research that studying the same lesson at different places help to memorize the info quickly. When the students move around here and there, even outside the home or school the brain is forced to get acquainted with the same lesson resulting in a long lasting memorization. In an experiment led by a renowned psychologist, college students who reviewed vocabulary in two different rooms learn 20% more words than a group studying the same list in a single room. According to the therapist, when the outside setting is varied, the information is supplemented, and this slows down forgetting .He further suggested alternating two locations or learning in a park--any place without interruptions.


Reading same information again and again will help you learn profoundly.

Fact: Testing is more effective than re-reading.

Reading textbooks again and again will not be as effective as engaging yourself in a quiz program. It means if the student is involved in Q&A session, he can absorb the content more easily and effectively. The Washington University in St. Louis had conducted a study in 2006,, students who took tests with their learning scored more than 60% than those who read the lesson many times without giving any test, as these student can recall the lesson just 40%.Students should design questions to ask themselves during the first read-through, and write down the answers when you’re done. Have a friend quiz you on the material, and make use of the problem sets at the end of chapters.


Exercise has no effect on studying:

Fact: Regular workouts help enhance the learning capacity.

The benefits of regular exercises are known to everybody but surprisingly, these regular work outs also help to boost your memory. Research has revealed that half an hour of aerobic exercise can accelerate the processing speed of brain cells. It is very advisable to run for a short time daily and get your mind sharpened.


Studying should be done in silence.

Fact: Reading out loud will enrich your memorizing power.

Learning silently will work for many students but a 2010 University of Waterloo study found that people who read half a list of words silently and said the other half out loud can recall the loud words 12%–20% better than those learnt silently. Remember reading out loud gives positive outcome at some particular events, not all the time. Read loudly the key formulas, main concepts or some specific vocabulary. If you’re studying at a place where the people around you might get disturbed by your loud reading then murmuring the words can also work well.


Planning has nothing to do with learning

Fact: Planning enhances the predictive and analytic aptitudes in students

Educators are realizing the significance of teaching the students how to plan. This skill will help the individual in organizing his daily life as well as it enhances the student’s learning capabilities. In a journal of NAEYC, the Educational Research Foundation found that students who are able to plan out their activities, performed well in language learning and other skills.

The process of planning helps a student to assess the crucial features needed to complete a task. Moreover, if the plan fails the student can sensibly investigate the cause and can work better to get the solution.


Multitasking help the student to win

Fact: Multitasking while taking lecture will distract the concentration.

This is the great current issue in schools or other institutions around the world: students are using their devices in the class and try to assess all info at a time through technology rather paying attention to the lecture or lesson taught in the class. According to a 2009 Stanford University research, student using heavy media could be easily distracted and run towards irrelevancy. It is therefore obligatory to limit your technology cravings in classrooms to get saved from distractions.

Top Contributors

Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

249 Articles


171 Articles

Ammara Ghous

145 Articles


79 Articles

M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

57 Articles

Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

56 Articles


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