NAT-IGS General Science Verbal
Here you can prepare NAT-IGS General Science Verbal Test. Click the button for NAT-IGS General Science Verbal 100% free full practice test.

Online NAT IGS General Science Verbal Test Preparation for Pakistani Students

National testing services in Pakistan is an only testing body which is responsible for conducting admissions, recruitment and scholarships test.

The body is also responsible for conducting NAT and GAT tests along with the other test in transparent environment.

The NAT test in Pakistan is conducted by NTS for admissions in undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in any NTS associated university.

The NAT test is of two types. These types are NAT-I and NAT-II. The NAT-I is conducted for admissions in undergraduate program while NAT-II test is conducted for admissions in postgraduate degree program.

The NAT-I test is further categorized into six types depending upon the student’s field of study.

These NAT-I types include:

  1. NAT-IM
  2. NAT-IE
  3. NAT-ICS
  4. NAT-IGS
  6. NAT-IA

NAT-IGS is the abbreviation of (National Aptitude Test-I General Science). National testing services is responsible for conducting this test two or three times in a year.

National testing services conduct this test for admissions at undergraduate level in general sciences or relevant programs.

To appear in this test, it is mandatory for the aspirants that they have completed 12 years of education and have done their inter level in General Science discipline.

NAT-IGS test contains total 90 multiple choice questions in it. These multiple choice questions come from different topics. These topics include Verbal, Analytical, Quantitative and Subject.

The verbal section in NAT-IGS covers different important English topic such as sentence completion, synonym, antonym, comprehension and Analogy.

The verbal section comprises of total twenty multiple choice questions of weightage 22.2%. In this section, the topic sentence completion comprises of 5 MCQs, analogy comprises of 3 MCQs, Antonym comprises of 4 MCQs, Comprehension comprises of 5 MCQs and synonym comprises of 3 MCQs.

It is really important for the students to attempt this test and to get good grades in it if they are desirous to get admission in undergraduate program in NTS associated university.

For the ease of students, ilmkidunya has introduced an online testing system where students of different level can prepare themselves for their exams and tests.

On this page, the aspirants can get the online test of NAT-IGS verbal section. The test is in the form of MCQs.

This online test is quite easy to take and after attempting this test the students will also be able to check their result.

NAT-IGS Verbal Test

Top Scorers of NAT I General Science Verbal


Nishu Abid

Lahore22 - Feb - 2025

05 Mins 54 Sec

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    Yawar Abbas

    28 Oct 2018

    I want to improve my test skills

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    28 Nov 2017

    I want to see score that how much i have prepared for the test

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    07 Nov 2017

    very good


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