NAT-ICOM Commerce Quantitative Test
Here you can prepare NAT-ICOM Commerce Quantitative Test. Click the button for NAT-ICOM Commerce Quantitative 100% free full practice test.

Online NAT ICOM Commerce Quantitative Test Preparation for Pakistani Students

National Aptitude Test in Pakistan consists of two main categories. These focal categories are NAT-I and NAT-II. In Pakistan there are many public and private sector colleges and universities which requires the scores of NAT-I and NAT-II tests for the admissions at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

The NAT-I test is conducted for the aspirants who wishes to get admission in undergraduate degree program and who have successfully completed their 12 years of education.

The NAT-I test conducted under the supervision of National Testing Services Pakistan consists of six types.

The students who have passed their HSSC exams in commerce subjects and want to continue their higher studies in the same field of study are needed to appear in NAT-ICOM test.

The NAT-ICOM test consists of total 90 MCQS and the aspirants have given almost 120 minutes to attempt this test. These multiple choice questions in NAT-ICOM test comes from various important sections. These sections are analytical, verbal, quantitative and subject.

The quantitative section in NAT-ICOM test also comprises of 20 multiple choice questions. This part involves MCQs from different topics which include algebra, arithmetic and geometry.

The arithmetic portion covers 13 multiple choice question, algebra section contains 4 multiple choice questions while geometry section contains 3 multiple choice questions in it.

It is very important for the students to get good scores in this test if they wish to get admission in any bachelor’s degree programme relevant to commerce field.

Keeping in view the ease of students, ilmkidunya has introduced an online testing system where students can easily prepare for NAT-ICOM test.

Here on this page, you will be able to get an online test of NAT-ICOM quantitative section. This online test is quite easy to take and after taking this online test you will get some knowledge about the questions that are expected to ask by paper setter in exam.

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NAT-ICOM Quantitative Test

Top Scorers of NAT I Commerce Quantitative


Syed Zain Irfan

Lahore30 - Mar - 2025

21 Mins 29 Sec

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